The Role of Place in the Function, Meaning, and Future of Electric Vehicles in Vermont

Presenter's Name(s)

Owen Palcsik

Conference Year



The evolu)on of electric vehicles has been the result of, and con)nues to further, a shi5 in the values and symbolism of the personal vehicle. This study will use qualita)ve methodology to inves)gate the landscape of electric vehicle percep)ons in Vermont. The complexion of this landscape will be unique to the ins)tu)ons, environment, and social fabric that define the state. Vermont has a specific rural iden)ty that is relevant to the use of vehicles and the significance of driving. The goal of this research is to understand how the unique context of Vermont will impact the way people perceive the func)on and meaning of electric vehicles.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Meghan Cope



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Social Science

Abstract only.



The Role of Place in the Function, Meaning, and Future of Electric Vehicles in Vermont

The evolu)on of electric vehicles has been the result of, and con)nues to further, a shi5 in the values and symbolism of the personal vehicle. This study will use qualita)ve methodology to inves)gate the landscape of electric vehicle percep)ons in Vermont. The complexion of this landscape will be unique to the ins)tu)ons, environment, and social fabric that define the state. Vermont has a specific rural iden)ty that is relevant to the use of vehicles and the significance of driving. The goal of this research is to understand how the unique context of Vermont will impact the way people perceive the func)on and meaning of electric vehicles.