Vermont Maple Syrup Market: Unveiling Consumer Trade-offs and Preferences

Presenter's Name(s)

Amrita Shore

Conference Year



Maple syrup has a long-standing history in North America, with production dating back to pre-Columbus times. The maple syrup industry faces a paradox: as demand increases, prices decrease. This research aims to uncover consumer trade-offs, especially among Vermont consumers, when purchasing maple syrup. This study investigates Vermont consumer preferences for maple syrup attributes through a willingness-to-pay survey utilizing conjoin analysis. The review focuses on four attributes: syrup price, grade, region, and organic certification. Understanding these preferences can aid maple syrup producers and marketers tailor their products to better align with consumer demands, ultimately enhancing market competitiveness and consumer satisfaction.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Qingbin Wang



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Community Development and Applied Economics

Primary Research Category

Social Science

Abstract only.



Vermont Maple Syrup Market: Unveiling Consumer Trade-offs and Preferences

Maple syrup has a long-standing history in North America, with production dating back to pre-Columbus times. The maple syrup industry faces a paradox: as demand increases, prices decrease. This research aims to uncover consumer trade-offs, especially among Vermont consumers, when purchasing maple syrup. This study investigates Vermont consumer preferences for maple syrup attributes through a willingness-to-pay survey utilizing conjoin analysis. The review focuses on four attributes: syrup price, grade, region, and organic certification. Understanding these preferences can aid maple syrup producers and marketers tailor their products to better align with consumer demands, ultimately enhancing market competitiveness and consumer satisfaction.