Examining the Role of Vermont Everyone Eats Program in Fostering Community Resilience, Economic Sustainability, and Social Inclusion: A Comprehensive Analysis of Community Engagement, Empowerment, and Financial Management Strategies

Presenter's Name(s)

Priscilla Pnyin Abijah

Conference Year



This research seeks to analyze how the Vermont Everyone Eats program contributes to community resilience, economic sustainability, and social inclusion through its community engagement, empowerment, and financial management strategies. By investigating the program's impact on supporting local businesses, farmers, and restaurants, promoting inclusive practices, building partnerships, and mobilizing resources for community initiatives, this study aims to uncover the mechanisms through which Vermont Everyone Eats enhances community well-being and economic stability. Through a detailed examination of the program's approaches and outcomes, I aims to provide valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and community stakeholders interested in replicating and scaling successful community development models that prioritize inclusivity, sustainability, and empowerment.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Sarah Heiss



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Community Development and Applied Economics

Primary Research Category

Social Science

Abstract only.



Examining the Role of Vermont Everyone Eats Program in Fostering Community Resilience, Economic Sustainability, and Social Inclusion: A Comprehensive Analysis of Community Engagement, Empowerment, and Financial Management Strategies

This research seeks to analyze how the Vermont Everyone Eats program contributes to community resilience, economic sustainability, and social inclusion through its community engagement, empowerment, and financial management strategies. By investigating the program's impact on supporting local businesses, farmers, and restaurants, promoting inclusive practices, building partnerships, and mobilizing resources for community initiatives, this study aims to uncover the mechanisms through which Vermont Everyone Eats enhances community well-being and economic stability. Through a detailed examination of the program's approaches and outcomes, I aims to provide valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and community stakeholders interested in replicating and scaling successful community development models that prioritize inclusivity, sustainability, and empowerment.