The system of academic advising is used across institutions of higher education to promote the holistic development of students as they work towards their academic, personal, and social endeavors (Hunter & White, 2004). Academic advisors can therefore play a key role in ensuring the academic success and overall well-being of the students they work with (Drake, 2011). More speci cally, culturally competent academic advisors serve as a pivotal resource and support service for students of Color. This literature review explores the various characteristics of, approaches to, and perspectives of academic advising, and provides implications for using culturally-sensitive academic advising practices when working with students of Color at predominantly White institutions.
Recommended Citation
Carnaje, E. G. (2016). Advising Across Race: Providing Culturally-Sensitive Academic Advising at Predominantly White Institutions. The Vermont Connection, 37(1). https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/tvc/vol37/iss1/4