This re ection seeks to highlight the role that access to institutional support and promotion of wellness opportunities plays in the overall health and wellbeing of students and the campus community. Opportunities for participation in wellness programming have helped me improve my self-esteem, grieve the loss of my grandmother, battle depression, believe that I could do things that I never thought I could, stay in school, nd purpose and meaning in my life, and build connections with others who have become essential people in my social support network. As a student, lifelong learner, and collegiate recreation professional, I believe it is imperative to have adequate campus resources available to students to support them on their personal journey of health and wellness. Research exploring the impact of recreational services upon users indicates that numerous positive bene ts are associated with participation, including academic success (Becker, Cooper, Atkins, & Martin, 2009; Belch, Gebel, & Mass, 2001; Brock, Carr, & Todd, 2015; Danbert, Pivarnik, McNeil, & Washington, 2014; Todd, Czyszczon, Carr, & Pratt, 2009), life skills development, and wellness development (NASPA Consortium, 2014). Resources such as campus recreation, outreach and education, and clinical services should work strategically in concert to provide services, programs, and educational opportunities to meet the wellness needs of a diverse student body and campus community.
Recommended Citation
Hinkle Smith, S. L. (2016). The Power of Play for Wellness: Supporting Wellness Initiatives on Campus. The Vermont Connection, 37(1). https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/tvc/vol37/iss1/8