The life and work of student life professionals provide the glue in the academy. Being attentive to students’ health, well-being, success, and leadership development is what we do. It is what keeps the heart of our institutions beating. While dedication to this field requires passion, it can also run us dry. Love for the profession and love for oneself are essential to be whole, resilient professionals and human beings. Professional development includes personal development. This article is both a scholarly personal narrative and a call to action. It weaves the voices of a young professional and her mentor through their own journeys of discovery with research in the importance of heart in higher education. This article offers insight about the need to integrate the essential inner work of self-love into our profession.
Recommended Citation
Nairne, D. C., & Wilkinson, H. (2018). What’s Love Got to Do with It?. The Vermont Connection, 39(1). https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/tvc/vol39/iss1/16