As the student affairs profession evolves to better support the needs of
graduate students, a re-building of the relationship between academic
and student affairs is vital for the success of graduate student support
programs. Rates of mental illness are extremely high in the graduate
population, and this trend is closely related to elevated attrition rates
in recent years. Universities are attempting to support their graduate
students through this crisis via separate faculty- and student affairsled
initiatives, which have been ineffective in addressing the needs of
today’s graduate population. Partnering with faculty members will result
in holistic interventions that support students’ needs both inside and
outside of the classroom.
Recommended Citation
Williams, M. M. (2019). Better Together: A Collaborative Approach to Graduate Student Affairs. The Vermont Connection, 40(1). https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/tvc/vol40/iss1/18