Much of the current scholarly literature on neurodiversity in higher education tends to focus solely on the experiences of neurodiverse students. There is a significant gap in the literature that highlights how neurodiverse professionals survive and thrive in careers in higher education. Utilizing the Scholarly Personal Narrative (SPN) Methodology, this paper aims to address the current literature gap by using the existing research, coupled with the author's personal experiences, to emphasize the unique needs of neurodiverse people on college campuses. The author offers recommendations for stakeholders in higher education to create equitable and accessible spaces for neurodiverse people on campus. By highlighting the unique needs of neurodiverse people in higher education, the paper aims to validate and amplify their experiences in the higher education sphere.
Recommended Citation
Rasch, E. V. (2022). The Lights Are Too Loud: Neurodivergence in the Student Affairs Profession. The Vermont Connection, 43(1). https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/tvc/vol43/iss1/19