The Vermont Connection


Extending from a larger autoethnographic project, this scholarly personal narrative will portray one program director’s vision for the field of higher education. ACPA’s Strategic Imperative for Higher Education framework calls upon practitioners and scholars to start from a place of love. The field of higher education and student affairs was built on operating with an ethic of care. The pressures of a neo-liberal society work to dehumanize members of the field, turning us into cogs in a machine rather than human beings filled with hopes and dreams. This scholarly personal narrative, based on reflections and experiences as instructor and administrator, will present a new mode of operation for practitioners and faculty, rooted in humanity, centered in love and joy, to achieve a collective wholeness and healing for our field.

Click the file name to download the file.

Love at the center Figure 1.pdf (558 kB)
Figure 1- Sketch of model
