
Submissions from 2018


Gaining and maintaining a competitive edge: Evidence from CSA members and farmers on local food marketing strategies, Emily H. Morgan, Michelle M. Severs, Karla L. Hanson, Jared McGuirt, Florence Becot, Weiwei Wang, Jane Kolodinsky, Marilyn Sitaker, Stephanie B.Jilcott Pitts, Alice Ammerman, and Rebecca A. Seguin


Factors influencing the nematode community during composting and nematode-based criteria for compost maturity, Deborah A. Neher


Climate change mitigation beyond agriculture: A review of food system opportunities and implications, Meredith T. Niles, Richie Ahuja, Todd Barker, Jimena Esquivel, Sophie Gutterman, Martin C. Heller, Nelson Mango, DIana Portner, Rex Raimond, Cristina Tirado, and Sonja Vermeulen


Ecological and economic benefits of integrating sheep into viticulture production, Meredith T. Niles, Rachael Garrett, and Drew Walsh


A cross-country analysis of climate shocks and smallholder food insecurity, Meredith T. Niles and Jonathan D. Salerno


Pod shattering: A homologous series of variation underlying domestication and an avenue for crop improvement, Ezgi Ogutcen, Anamika Pandey, Mohd Kamran Khan, Edward Marques, R. Varma Penmetsa, Abdullah Kahraman, and Eric J.B. Von Wettberg


Capturing variation in Lens (Fabaceae): Development and utility of an exome capture array for lentil, Ezgi Ogutcen, Larissa Ramsay, Eric Bishop von Wettberg, and Kirstin E. Bett


Sampling tomorrow's lunch today: Examining the effect of sampling a vegetable-focused entrée on school lunch participation, a pilot study, Lizzy Pope, Erin Roche, Caitlin B. Morgan, and Jane Kolodinsky


Genetic diversity, population structure, and genetic correlation with climatic variation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) landraces from Pakistan, Syed Gul Abbas Shah Sani, Peter L. Chang, Asif Zubair, Noelia Carrasquilla-Garcia, Matilde Cordeiro, Ramachandra Varma Penmetsa, M. Farooq H. Munis, Sergey V. Nuzhdin, Douglas R. Cook, and Eric J. von Wettberg


The impact of salinity on mycorrhizal colonization of a rare legume, Galactia smallii, in South Florida pine rocklands, Klara Scharnagl, Vanessa Sanchez, and Eric Von Wettberg


Mixed methods approach to understanding farmer and agricultural advisor perceptions of climate change and adaptation in Vermont, United States, Rachel E. Schattman, V. Ernesto Méndez, Scott C. Merrill, and Asim Zia


Farm service agency employee intentions to use weather and climate data in professional services, Rachel E. Schattman, Gabrielle Roesch-Mcnally, Sarah Wiener, Meredith T. Niles, and David Y. Hollinger


Soil media CO2 and N2O fluxes dynamics from sand-based roadside bioretention systems, Paliza Shrestha, Stephanie E. Hurley, and E. Carol Adair


Effects of different soil media, vegetation, and hydrologic treatments on nutrient and sediment removal in roadside bioretention systems, Paliza Shrestha, Stephanie E. Hurley, and Beverley C. Wemple


The impact of genetic changes during crop domestication, Petr Smýkal, Matthew N. Nelson, Jens D. Berger, and Eric J.B. Von Wettberg


The impact of genetic changes during crop domestication on healthy food development, Petr Smýkal, Matthew N. Nelson, Jens D. Berger, and Eric J.B. Von Wettberg


Ecology and genomics of an important crop wild relative as a prelude to agricultural innovation, Eric J.B. Von Wettberg, Peter L. Chang, Fatma Başdemir, Noelia Carrasquila-Garcia, Lijalem Balcha Korbu, Susan M. Moenga, Gashaw Bedada, Alex Greenlon, Ken S. Moriuchi, Vasantika Singh, Matilde A. Cordeiro, Nina V. Noujdina, Kassaye Negash Dinegde, Syed Gul Abbas Shah Sani, Tsegaye Getahun, Lisa Vance, Emily Bergmann, Donna Lindsay, Bullo Erena Mamo, Emily J. Warschefsky, Emmanuel Dacosta-Calheiros, Edward Marques, Mustafa Abdullah Yilmaz, Ahmet Cakmak, Janna Rose, Andrew Migneault, Christopher P. Krieg, Sevgi Saylak, Hamdi Temel, Maren L. Friesen, and Eleanor Siler


Farmers share their perspectives on California water management and the sustainable groundwater management act, Courtney Hammond Wagner and Meredith T. Niles


The perceived influence of cost-offset community-supported agriculture on food access among low-income families, Michelle J. White, Stephanie B. Jilcott Pitts, Jared T. McGuirt, Karla L. Hanson, Emily H. Morgan, Jane Kolodinsky, Weiwei Wang, Marilyn Sitaker, Alice S. Ammerman, and Rebecca A. Seguin

Submissions from 2017


Climate Seasonality, fire and global patterns of tree cover, Gabriela Bucini, Brian Beckage, and Louis J. Gross


Effect of drive row ground covers on hop (Rosales: Cannabaceae) yard arthropod pests in Vermont, USA, L. Calderwood, J. Cubins, D. Vesty, and H. Darby


Crowdsourced Delphis: Designing solutions to complex environmental problems with broad stakeholder participation, Sarah Coleman, Stephanie Hurley, Christopher Koliba, and Asim Zia


Crowdsourced Delphis: Designing solutions to complex environmental problems with broad stakeholder participation, Sarah Coleman, Stephanie Hurley, Christopher Koliba, and Asim Zia


The complete chloroplast genome of Primulina and two novel strategies for development of high polymorphic loci for population genetic and phylogenetic studies, Chao Feng, Meizhen Xu, Chen Feng, Eric J.B. Von Wettberg, and Ming Kang


Policies for reintegrating crop and livestock systems: A comparative analysis, Rachael D. Garrett, Meredith Niles, Juliana Gil, Philip Dy, Julio Reis, and Judson Valentim


Adults and children in low-income households that participate in cost-offset community supported agriculture have high fruit and vegetable consumption, Karla L. Hanson, Jane Kolodinsky, Weiwei Wang, Emily H. Morgan, Stephanie B. Jilcott Pitts, Alice S. Ammerman, Marilyn Sitaker, and Rebecca A. Seguin


Total and extreme precipitation changes over the Northeastern United States, Huanping Huang, Jonathan M. Winter, Erich C. Osterberg, Radley M. Horton, and Brian Beckage


Nutrient Leaching from Compost: Implications for Bioretention and Other Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Stephanie Hurley, Paliza Shrestha, and Amanda Cording


The use of extrafloral nectar in pest management: overcoming context dependence, Ian Matthew Jones, Suzanne Koptur, and Eric J. von Wettberg


Integrating agroecology and participatory action research (PAR): Lessons from Central America, V. Ernesto Méndez, Martha Caswell, Stephen R. Gliessman, and Roseann Cohen


Harnessing local strength for sustainable coffee value chains in India and nicaragua: Reevaluating certification to global sustainability standards, Dagmar Mithöfer, V. Ernesto Méndez, Arshiya Bose, and Philippe Vaast


Ecoenzymes as Indicators of Compost to Suppress Rhizoctonia solani, Deborah A. Neher, Lynn Fang, and Thomas R. Weicht


Climate Change and Food Systems: Assessing Impacts and Opportunities, Meredith T. Niles, Richie Ahuja, Jimena M. Esquivel, Nelson Mango, Mil Duncan, Martin Heller, and Cristina Tirado


A multi-country assessment of factors related to smallholder food security in varying rainfall conditions, Meredith T. Niles and Molly E. Brown


Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids (F3HK): An innovative community supported agriculture intervention to prevent childhood obesity in low-income families and strengthen local agricultural economies, Rebecca A. Seguin, Emily H. Morgan, Karla L. Hanson, Alice S. Ammerman, Stephanie B. Jilcott Pitts, Jane Kolodinsky, Marilyn Sitaker, Florence A. Becot, Leah M. Connor, Jennifer A. Garner, and Jared T. McGuirt


Addressing climate change impacts on agriculture and natural resources: Barriers and priorities for land-grant universities in the northeastern United States, Daniel Tobin, Rama Radhakrishna, Allison Chatrchyan, and Shorna B. Allred


Genomic signature of adaptive divergence despite strong nonadaptive forces on Edaphic Islands: A case study of primulina juliae, Jing Wang, Chao Feng, Tenglong Jiao, Eric Bishop Von Wettberg, and Ming Kang

Submissions from 2016


Conjoint analysis of farmers' response to conservation incentives, David Conner, Jennifer Miller, Asim Zia, Qingbin Wang, and Heather Darby


Salinity adaptation and the contribution of parental environmental effects in medicago truncatula, Ken S. Moriuchi, Maren L. Friesen, Matilde A. Cordeiro, Mounawer Badri, Wendy T. Vu, Bradley J. Main, Mohamed Elarbi Aouani, Sergey V. Nuzhdin, Sharon Y. Strauss, and Eric J.B. Von Wettberg

Creating an Open Access Impact Within and Beyond the University, Meredith T. Niles


Farmer's intended and actual adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, Meredith T. Niles, Margaret Brown, and Robyn Dynes


Farmer perceptions of climate change: Associations with observed temperature and precipitation trends, irrigation, and climate beliefs, Meredith T. Niles and Nathaniel D. Mueller


Pyrogenic fuels produced by savanna trees can engineer humid savannas, William J. Platt, Darin P. Ellair, Jean M. Huffman, Stephen E. Potts, and Brian Beckage


Farmer perceptions of climate change risk and associated on-farm management strategies in Vermont, northeastern United States, Rachel E. Schattman, David Conner, and V. Ernesto Méndez


Multiple post-domestication origins of kabuli chickpea through allelic variation in a diversification-associated transcription factor, R. Varma Penmetsa, Noelia Carrasquilla-Garcia, Emily M. Bergmann, Lisa Vance, Brenna Castro, Mulualem T. Kassa, Birinchi K. Sarma, Subhojit Datta, Andrew D. Farmer, Jong Min Baek, Clarice J. Coyne, Rajeev K. Varshney, Eric J.B. von Wettberg, and Douglas R. Cook


Local adaptation or foreign advantage? Effective use of a single-test site common garden to evaluate adaptation across ecological scales, Eric J.B. von Wettberg, Edward Marques, and Courtney J. Murren


Development and evaluation of high-resolution climate simulations over the mountainous northeastern United States, Jonathan M. Winter, Brian Beckage, Gabriela Bucini, Radley M. Horton, and Patrick J. Clemins

Submissions from 2015


Nutrition-related policy and environmental strategies to prevent obesity in rural communities: A systematic review of the literature, 2002-2013, Larissa Calancie, Jennifer Leeman, Stephanie B. Jilcott Pitts, Laura Kettel Khan, Sheila Fleischhacker, R. Evenson Kelly, Michelle Schreiner, Carmen Byker, Clint Owens, Jared McGuirt, Ellen Barnidge, Wesley Dean, Donna Johnson, Jane Kolodinsky, Emily Piltch, Courtney Pinard, Emilee Quinn, Lauren Whetstone, and Alice Ammerman


Survey of northeastern hop arthropod pests and their natural enemies, Lilian B. Calderwood, Scott A. Lewins, and Heather M. Darby


Effectiveness of nutrient management plans on vermont dairy farms, Heather Darby, Philip Halteman, and Debra Heleba


Effects of skeletal streetscape design on perceived safety, Chester Harvey, Lisa Aultman-Hall, Stephanie E. Hurley, and Austin Troy


How limiting factors drive agricultural adaptation to climate change., Meredith T. Niles, Mark Lubell, and Margaret Brown


The ubiquity of phenotypic plasticity in plants: A synthesis, Kattia Palacio-López, Brian Beckage, Samuel Scheiner, and Jane Molofsky


Market for Amazonian Açaí (Euterpe oleraceae) Stimulates Pulp Production from Atlantic Forest Juçara Berries (Euterpe edulis), Adriana Carla Dias Trevisan, Alfredo Celso Fantini, Abdon Luis Schmitt-Filho, and Joshua Farley


Mainstreaming Early Warning Systems in Development and Planning Processes: Multilevel Implementation of Sendai Framework in Indus and Sahel, Asim Zia and Courtney Hammond Wagner

Submissions from 2014


2014 Local Food Consumption in Vermont, Florence A. Becot and David Conner


Climate coupling between temperature, humidity, precipitation, and cloud cover over the Canadian prairies, Alan K. Betts, Raymond Desjardins, Devon Worth, and Brian Beckage


The ecological genomic basis of salinity adaptation in Tunisian Medicago truncatula, Maren L. Friesen, Eric J.B. von Wettberg, Mounawer Badri, Ken S. Moriuchi, Fathi Barhoumi, Peter L. Chang, Sonia Cuellar-Ortiz, Matilde A. Cordeiro, Wendy T. Vu, Soumaya Arraouadi, Naceur Djébali, Kais Zribi, Yazid Badri, Stephanie S. Porter, Mohammed Elarbi Aouani, Douglas R. Cook, Sharon Y. Strauss, and Sergey V. Nuzhdin


Impacts of projected climate change over the Lake Champlain basin in Vermont, Justin Guilbert, Brian Beckage, Jonathan M. Winter, Radley M. Horton, Timothy Perkins, and Arne Bomblies


More cells, bigger cells or simply reorganization? Alternative mechanisms leading to changed internode architecture under contrasting stress regimes, Heidrun Huber, Jan de Brouwer, Eric J. von Wettberg, Heinjo J. During, and Niels P.R. Anten


Shade coffee: Update on a disappearing refuge for biodiversity, Shalene Jha, Christopher M. Bacon, Stacy M. Philpott, V. Ernesto Méndez, Peter LÄderach, and Robert A. Rice


Developing an agenda for research about policies to improve access to healthy foods in rural communities: A concept mapping study, Donna B. Johnson, Emilee Quinn, Marilyn Sitaker, Alice Ammerman, Carmen Byker, Wesley Dean, Sheila Fleischhacker, Jane Kolodinsky, Courtney Pinard, Stephanie B.Jilcott Pitts, and Joseph Sharkey


Extension 3.0: Managing Agricultural Knowledge Systems in the Network Age, Mark Lubell, Meredith T. Niles, and Matthew Hoffman


Agricultural Innovation for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: A Comparison of New Zealand and California Farmers and Policies, Meredith T. Niles


Exploring germplasm diversity to understand the domestication process in Cicer spp. using SNP and DArT markers, Manish Roorkiwal, Eric J. Von Wettberg, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Emily Warschefsky, Abhishek Rathore, and Rajeev K. Varshney


Genetic diversity and demographic history of Cajanus spp. illustrated from genome-wide SNPs, Rachit K. Saxena, Eric Von Wettberg, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Vanessa Sanchez, Serah Songok, Kulbhushan Saxena, Paul Kimurto, and Rajeev K. Varshney


Potential future dynamics of carbon fluxes and pools in New England forests and their climatic sensitivities: A model-based study, Guoping Tang, Brian Beckage, and Benjamin Smith

Submissions from 2013


Coordinated Teaching, Research and Outreach Programs at the University of Vermont Horticulture Research Center: A Proposal to Improve Student Experiential Learning in Applied Farm Management, Terence L. Bradshaw


Strategic Planning for the Vermont Apple Industry: Planning for Success in the 21st Century, Terence L. Bradshaw


Parental environments and interactions with conspecifics alter salinity tolerance of offspring in the annual medicago truncatula, Brenna M. Castro, Ken S. Moriuchi, Maren L. Friesen, Mounawer Badri, Sergey V. Nuzhdin, Sharon Y. Strauss, Douglas R. Cook, and Eric von Wettberg


Food sovereignty: An alternative paradigm for poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation in Latin America, M. Jahi Chappell, Hannah Wittman, Christopher M. Bacon, Bruce G. Ferguson, Luis García Barrios, Raúl García Barrios, Daniel Jaffee, Jefferson Lima, V. Ernesto Méndez, Helda Morales, Lorena Soto-Pinto, John Vandermeer, and Ivette Perfecto


A new method to infer vegetation boundary movement from 'snapshot' data, Maarten B. Eppinga, Carolyn A. Pucko, Mara Baudena, Brian Beckage, and Jane Molofsky


Spider fauna of semiarid eastern colorado agroecosystems: Diversity, abundance, and effects of crop intensification, Lauren M. Kerzicnik, Frank B. Peairs, Paula E. Cushing, Michael L. Draney, and Scott C. Merrill


It is not how far you go, it is whether you can get there: Modeling the effects of mobility on quality of life in rural New England, Jane M. Kolodinsky, Thomas Patrick DeSisto, David Propen, Matthew E. Putnam, Erin Roche, and William R. Sawyer


The problem of morphogenesis: unscripted biophysical control systems in plants, Philip M. Lintilhac


Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions, R. Muradian, M. Arsel, L. Pellegrini, F. Adaman, B. Aguilar, B. Agarwal, E. Corbera, D. Ezzine de Blas, J. Farley, G. Froger, E. Garcia-Frapolli, E. Gómez-Baggethun, and J. Gowdy


Perceptions and responses to climate policy risks among California farmers, Meredith T. Niles, Mark Lubell, and Van R. Haden


Multifaceted value profiles of forest owner categories in South Sweden: The river helge å catchment as a case study, Gustav Richnau, Per Angelstam, Sviataslau Valasiuk, Lyudmyla Zahvoyska, Robert Axelsson, Marine Elbakidze, Joshua Farley, Ingemar Jönsson, and Ihor Soloviy

Submissions from 2012


Costs of food safety certification on fresh produce farms in Vermont, Florence A. Becot, Virginia Nickerson, David S. Conner, and Jane M. Kolodinsky


Ecosystem services: The economics debate, Joshua Farley


Global and local concerns: What attitudes and beliefs motivate farmers to mitigate and adapt to climate change?, Van R. Haden, Meredith T. Niles, Mark Lubell, Josh Perlman, and Louise Jackson


Agricultural mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Yolo County, CA, Louise Jackson, Van R. Haden, Allan Hollander, Hyunok Lee, Mark Lubell, VIshal Mehta, Toby O'Geen, Meredith T. Niles, Josh Perlman, David Purkey, William Salas, Daniel Sumner, M Tomuta, M Dempsey, and Stephen Wheeler


Genetic patterns of domestication in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (l.) Millsp.) and wild Cajanus relatives, Mulualem T. Kassa, R. Varma Penmetsa, Noelia Carrasquilla-Garcia, Birinchi K. Sarma, Subhojit Datta, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Rajeev K. Varshney, Eric J.B. von Wettberg, and Douglas R. Cook


Integrative frontiers in environmental policy theory and research, Meredith T. Niles and Mark Lubell


Technical feasibility of small-scale oilseed and on-farm biodiesel production: A Vermont case study, Emily J. Stebbins-Wheelock, Robert Parsons, Qingbin Wang, Heather Darby, and Vernon Grubinger


eOrganic: The organic agriculture community of practice for eXtension, Alexandra G. Stone, Danielle D. Treadwell, Alice K. Formiga, John P.G. McQueen, Michelle M. Wander, James Riddle, Heather M. Darby, and Debra Heleba


Early developmental responses to seedling environment modulate later plasticity to light spectral quality, Eric J.B. von Wettberg, John R. Stinchcombe, and Johanna Schmitt


Land use adaptation to climate change: Economic damages from land-falling hurricanes in the Atlantic and gulf States of the USA, 1900-2005, Asim Zia

Submissions from 2011


The limits to prediction in ecological systems, Brian Beckage, Louis J. Gross, and Stuart Kauffman


Alternative organic fungicides for apple scab management and their non-target effects, Morgan L. Cromwell, Lorraine P. Berkett, Heather M. Darby, and Takamaru Ashikaga


Governance informatics: Managing the performance of inter-organizational governance networks, Christopher Koliba, Asim Zia, and Brian H.Y. Lee


Time use and food pattern influences on obesity, Jane M. Kolodinsky and Amanda B. Goldstein


Cross-scale value trade-offs in managing social-ecological systems: The politics of scale in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania, Asim Zia, Paul Hirsch, Alexander Songorwa, David R. Mutekanga, Sheila O'Connor, Thomas McShane, Peter Brosius, and Bryan Norton

Submissions from 2010


Nutrient enrichment enhances hidden differences in phenotype to drive a cryptic plant invasion, Christine Holdredge, Mark D. Bertness, Eric Von Wettberg, and Brian R. Silliman


Conclusions about niche expansion in introduced Impatiens walleriana populations depend on method of analysis, Lisa Mandle, Dan L. Warren, Matthias H. Hoffmann, A. Townsend Peterson, Johanna Schmitt, and Eric J. von Wettberg


Fire effects on demography of the invasive shrub brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) in Florida pine savannas, Jens T. Stevens and Brian Beckage


Projecting the distribution of forests in New England in response to climate change, Guoping Tang and Brian Beckage


Estimating potential forest NPP, biomass and their climatic sensitivity in New England using a dynamic ecosystem model, Guoping Tang, Brian Beckage, Benjamin Smith, and Paul A. Miller


How anthocyanin mutants respond to stress: the need to distinguish between stress tolerance and maximal vigour, Eric J. Von Wettberg, Maureen L. Stanton, and Justen B. Whittall


The digital divide in internet information searching: A double-hurdle model analysis of household data from vermont, Guangxuan Zhang, Qingbin Wang, and Jane Kolodinsky