Theses/Dissertations from 2025
A Self-Affirmation Intervention For Responsible Parties in Restorative Justice, Rachel Matthes Gehman, PhD, Psychology
Advancing Quantitative Research Of Smoker Stigmatization, Thomas Geist, PhD, Psychology
Delay Discounting In Individuals With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Who Were Receiving Medications For Opioid Use Disorder: The Effect Of Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Jillian Giannini, MA, Psychology
Exploring Chemical Space for the Discovery of New Functional Materials and Therapeutics, Nicholas B. Hamilton, PhD, Chemistry
Using a combined deductive and inductive approach to assess catchment attributes and water availability effects on stream water composition across the continental U.S., Niara Marie Hicks, MS, Geology
Comparison Of The Ptsd Factor Structure Among Hispanics And Non-Hispanic Whites Affected By Hurricanes, Johanna E. Hidalgo, MA, Psychology
Exploration Of Efficient Main-Group Bond Forming Reactions, Diego Rafael Javier-Jimenez, PhD, Chemistry
Examining Temperament Traits As Markers Of Children’s Differential Susceptibility To Interparental Conflict, Phuong Nguyen, PhD, Psychology
Does I-sharing help with chronic feelings of existential isolation?, Young Chin Park, PhD, Psychology
Conjugate Addition Reactions Of Vinyl Diazonium Ions Derived From Α-Diazo-Β-Hydroxy Carbonyls, Avery Peck, PhD, Chemistry
The Association Between Body Image Dissatisfaction and Mental Health in Men, Emily Pomichter, PhD, Psychology
Ultra-Brief CBT for Primary Care Visits: Pilot Training and Implementation, Julia M. Terman, PhD, Psychology
Concurrent Associations Between Sweet And Cooling E-Cigarette Use And Combustible Cigarette Use And Quit Attempts Among Adult Dual Users, Rhiannon Chou Wiley, PhD, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Role Of Pac1 Receptors In The Bed Nucleus Of The Stria Terminalis (bnst) In Anxiety, Mahafuza Aktar, PhD, Psychology
Styles And History Of Deformation In The San Gabriel Block, Southern California, Since The Late Cretaceous, Jillyan Baskin, MS, Geology
Looking north and thinking ahead: Understanding the range expansion of vector-borne cervid pathogens, Lauren Berkley, MS, Biology
Radical Resistance: Grounded Normativity In Three Speculative Works, Katherine Lauren Booth, MA, English
Was It Really The “age Of Reagan?”: How The National Organization For Women Kept The Fight For Women’s Equality Alive, 1982-1992, Rhiannon Janelle Brown, MA, History
A Minority Stress Approach to Kink: Predicting Suicidality via Stigma, Shame, and Community in a Kink-Identified Sample, Wilson Captein, PhD, Psychology
Sudden gains in cognitive-behavioral therapy for seasonal affective disorder, Raquel Esther Castillo Cruz, MA, Psychology
“Everything Must Be Great In Rome”: Aggregate Appropriation Of The Distant And Modern Past In The Repubblica Romana Of 1849, Nathan Gary Colgrove, MA, History
Identification Of Novel Sh Protein Phosphorylation-Dependent Binding Partners And Interaction Mechanisms., Phoebe Cousens, MS, Biology
Cross-Modal Examinations Of Narrative Structural Processing In Autism., Carolyn T. D'Auria, MA, Psychology
An Examination Of Cognitive Capacities As Mediators Of The Associations Between Children’s Language Abilities And Adhd Symptoms, Marissa Dennis, PhD, Psychology
Effects of Acute Stress on Goal-Directed and Habitual Decision-Making in Female Rats, Russell Jacobs Dougherty, MA, Psychology
The Roles Of Plexina2-Semaphorin6a Bi-Directional Signaling In Zebrafish Eye Development, Caroline Dumas, PhD, Biology
Investigating The Substitutability Of Little Cigars And Cigarillos (lccs) And E-Cigarettes For Cigarettes Using The Experimental Tobacco Marketplace, Marc Jerome Feinstein, MA, Psychology
Elucidating the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying thermal tolerance in embryonic Drosophila melanogaster, Kylie Maureen Finnegan, MS, Biology
Investigating The Effect Of Relative Humidity On Organic New Particle Formation From The Dark Ozonolysis Of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds, Austin Callum Flueckiger, PhD, Chemistry
From 'I' to 'We'? A Test of the Effect of I-sharing on We-ness in Couples, Natalie Anne Fuchs, MA, Psychology
Born To Be Wild: Hatchery Rearing Has Life-Time Effects On Foraging And Movement Behaviors Of Lake Trout Salvelinus Namaycush, Matthew Futia, PhD, Biology
Beauty as a Mode of Being: Enacting Queer Listening to Parse the Cultural and Affective Resonance of Sad Girl Pop, Sarah E. Gåss, MA, English
Spectroscopic Investigation Of The Role Of Ferryl=oxoheme In Non-Canonical Heme Oxygenase Isdg In Staphylococcus Aureus, Aarzoo Grover, PhD, Chemistry
The Food Environment and Pro-Inflammatory Food Consumption in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, Nathan Hacker, MA, Psychology
Understanding The Relationship Between Mobile Phone Usage Behavior And Psychopathology Among Trauma-Exposed Individuals, Jennifer Ha, MA, Psychology
Understanding The Relationship Between Mobile Phone Usage Behavior And Psychopathology Among Trauma-Exposed Individuals, Jennifer Ha, MA, Psychology
Preconception Health: Knowledge Among Individuals Receiving Medication For Opioid Use Disorder And Priorities Among Healthcare Providers, Roxanne Faith Harfmann, PhD, Psychology
Health Literacy among Rural Emerging Adults with Chronic Pain: Implications for Behavioral Health and Treatment, Tori Humiston, PhD, Psychology
Savoring and Overgeneral Memory as Moderators of the Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Mental Health Outcomes among Black Sexual Minority Women, Praise Iyiewuare, PhD, Psychology
Economics, Platforms and the Formal Structure of Webcomics, Aki Jacobson, MA, English
Trauma And Resilience Mechanisms During Political Violence: Survivors Of The 2021 Military Coup In Myanmar, Phyu Pannu Khin, PhD, Psychology
“to Be On The Move Again At Least Is Something”: Ann Quin, Gilles Deleuze, And The Spectacular Nomadism Of Capital, Mara Sophia Knoecklein, MA, English
Associations Between Preschool ADHD Symptom Levels and Social Functioning: Indirect Effects Through Executive Functioning, Allison Krasner, PhD, Psychology
The Bidirectional Associations Between Children’s Cognitive and Emotional Self-Regulation and Parents’ Depressive Symptoms, Maria C. Lent, PhD, Psychology
The Impact Of Minority Stress On The Developing Brains And Well-Being Of Gender Diverse Youth, Hannah Marie Loso, PhD, Psychology
Anxiety And Kinesiophobia In Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: Characterization Of The Population And Symptom Trajectories, William A. Middleton, PhD, Psychology
Spectroscopic Investigation into the Metal Binding Function and Affinity of the Ancestral Class II Chelatases CfbA and CbiXS, Jacob Alden Morris, PhD, Chemistry
Continuity And Change For U.s. Women Workers: The Preservation Of Gender Roles In World War Ii U.s. Economic Transitions, Wade Mullin, MA, History
Characterizing Geomorphological Change Utilizing Remote Sensing And Field-Based Methods At The Cotton Brook Landslide, Waterbury, Vt, Emma Poole Myrick, MS, Geology
The Disproportionate Affects European Standards of Beauty Have on Black Women, Marina Palladinetti, MA, English
The Anti-Censorship Censor: John Trevelyan And Permissive Society, 1958-1971, Jocelyn Rockhold, MA, History
"A Narrative is a Living Body”: Trans-relations in Contemporary Transmasculine Fiction, Madison Rougier, MA, English
Probing The Photochemistry Of Group Iv Phosphidos Towards Efficient Hydrophosphination, Dennis Michael Seth, PhD, Chemistry
Role of Relative Humidity in New Particle Formation from Ozonlysis of Atmospheric Volatile Organic Compounds, Christopher Snyder, PhD, Chemistry
The Population Genetics Of Four Ant Species In A Fragmented Urban Environment, Jacob Anthony Sorrentino, MS, Biology
Compensatory Mechanisms in Eye Development: Critical overlapping roles of Crk and Nck adaptor proteins in the zebrafish retina, Helaina Renee Stergas, PhD, Biology
Promethean Romanticism: A Study of the Shelleys' Prometheus Figures, Madison Storm, MA, English
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Pre-Written Chemistry Lessons As A Tool For Increasing Science Interest In Elementary School, Alexandria Marie Alveshere, PhD, Chemistry
Food and Families: The effects of food insecurity and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on child and family functioning, Merelise R. Ametti, PhD, Psychology
Investigations of low-frequency vibrations in crystalline organic semiconductors and their impact on material properties, Peter Alexander Banks, PhD, Chemistry
Applications Of Bayesian Hierarchical Detection Models, Emily Beasley, PhD, Biology
Design, Synthesis, And Biological Evaluation Of Small Molecule Antagonists Of The Pac1-R For Treatment Of Chronic Pain, Migraine, And Anxiety-Related Disorders, Rebecca Jane Bogart, PhD, Chemistry
Distinguishing Different Types of Childhood Maltreatment on Resting-State Connectivity Networks During Emerging Adulthood, Zoe Morris Feldman Brier, PhD, Psychology
Learning to stop responding: The role of infralimbic cortex in punishment and extinction, Matthew Cyril Broomer, PhD, Psychology
Early Community Violence Exposure And Adolescent Aggressive Behavior: Moderation By Sympathetic Nervous System Reactivity, Casey Buck, MA, Psychology
With Every Means At Our Command: Burlington’s Dead In World War I, Michael Carter, MA, History
Testing the Incremental Validity of Subjective Socioeconomic Status in Predicting Mental Health Outcomes Among Black Adolescents Living in Poverty, Janine Cerutti, MA, Psychology
Prudish Or Promiscuous? How The Nazis Policed Gender And Sex In The Hitler Youth, Elisabeth Champion, MA, History
Photonic States and Band Structure in Non-Uniform Metal-Dielectric Photonic Crystal Organic Light Emitting Diodes, Thomas Cleary, MS, Physics
The Association of Blood Glucose with the Daily Self-Regulation of Everyday Life Stress in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, Laura Bethany Cohen, MA, Psychology
Activity, Mechanism, And Scope Of Copper Photocatalyzed Hydrophosphination, STEVEN GILMAN DANNENBERG, PhD, Chemistry
Patterns Of Substance Use Disorders And Mental Health Symptoms Among Incarcerated People Engaged In A Novel Treatment Program, Ashley E. Dobbins, PhD, Psychology
Justice Involvement, Opioid Use, And Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders: Implications For Transdiagnostic Treatment, Amanda Falcón, PhD, Psychology
An Ill-Suited Memorial? Nazi Atrocities In Publications On The American Right, 1930-1985, Sandor Farkas, MA, History
Horror and Representation: Violence in the Construction of Postindian Literary Identities, Caleb Hayes, MA, English
Otto Strasser, The Nazi Party, And The Politics Of Opposition, James Francis Hughes II, MA, History
Assessing The Drivers Of Legacy Phosphorus Loading And Distribution In Shallow Eutrophic Lake Sediments And The Impacts Of Intervention, Ashton P. Kirol, MS, Geology
Detecting Ranavirus Presence In Vermont Through Avian Species And Edna, Raymond Looney, MS, Biology
Get Rich and Die Trying: Capitalism, Its Repetitions, and the Financial Plot, Richard Chapman Matis, MA, English
Alef Is A Key: Belonging And Resistance In Mena Women’s Fragmentary Narratives, Joy Mazahreh, MA, English
Precision in Macromolecular and Supramolecular Design: Selective Rotaxanes and DNA Nanomaterials, Dillon Reid McCarthy, PhD, Chemistry
From Green Romanticism to Plant Thinking: Environmental Vitality in William Wordsworth and Thomas Hardy's Nature, Eleanor Gwyneth McDowell, MA, English
An Exploration Of Reinstatement After Extinction Of A Conditioned Taste Aversion, Noelle Loren Michaud, PhD, Psychology
“they Made Me And Destroyed Me, And, Mr. Zuckerman, They Aren’t Finished With Me Yet”: J.d. Salinger, Philip Roth, And The Subject Of Late Modernism, Devon Nicole Moore, MA, English
The Role Of Dentate Gyrus Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide (pacap) In Contextual Fear Discrimination, Samantha Kelly Moriarty, MA, Psychology
The Crypt of Being: On the Gothic Sensibility of Reason, Cade M. Olmstead, MA, English
Race, Fantasy & Enjoyment, Edwin Owusu, MA, English
Declarations of Womanhood: Trans Lives, Livelihoods, and Afterlives of American Women 1890-1954, Juniper Oxford, MA, History
Trickle-Down Poetics in the Paranoid Mode of Liberalism, Miles Parkinson, MA, English
Attentional Bias Towards Seasonal and Light Stimuli and Winter Depression Recurrence: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study, Jessica Perez, PhD, Psychology
Relationships Between Deformation, Magmatism, And Sedimentary Geology Along The Mongol-Okhotsk Suture Zone: Ulz Gol Region, Mongolia, Jarret William Pidgeon, MS, Geology
Leaping into Darkness: On the Ground with the OSS in Yugoslavia, Caleb M. Reilly, MA, History
Transition-Metal and Main Group-Catalyzed Silicon-Nitrogen Heterodehydrocoupling, Matthew B. Reuter, PhD, Chemistry
Physical Activity And Hyperactivity/impulsivity: The Role Of Intra-Individual Variability, Hannah Scott, MA, Psychology
The Future of the Air: H. G. Wells and the Aviation of Utopia, Noah Slowik, MA, English
Unsere Neue Heimat: German National Identity In The Pages Of The Südwest Newspaper, 1910–1914, Patrick Sullivan, MA, History
Heels on the Ground: The American Officer's Wife in the Vietnam War Era, Brooke Talbott, MA, History
“had A Great Time Fooling With The Boy”: Narratives Of Same-Sex Desire And Masculinity In New England, 1890-1940, Michael B. Tobin, MA, History
In-Situ Weathering Of Calcium Bearing Minerals In Forested Ecosystems, Victoria Treto, MS, Geology
Investigating The Effects Of Medroxy-Progesterone And Hormonal Birth Control On Habit Behavior In Female Rats, Sarah Charlotte von Doepp, MA, Psychology