Theses/Dissertations from 2020
An Exploration Of Β -Hydroxy- Α -Diazo Carbonyls In Synthesis: Fragmentation, Vinyl Cation Formation And Conjugate Addition Reactions, Jian Fang, PhD, Chemistry
Aridity in the Literature of the American West: Water in Stegner's Angle of Repose and Abbey's The Monkey Wrench Gang, Annie Frodeman, MA, English
"Saved? What is saved?": The Potentiality of Bakhtinian Ecology in DeLillo's White Noise, Kelly Gray, MA, English
Autobiography She Wrote: Agatha Christie and the Problem of Female Authorship, Jesse Marie Keel, MA, English
Seasonal Water Column Dynamics Exert Strong Control On The Chemical Partitioning Of Benthic Phosphorus Pools Of Shallow Eutrophic Freshwater Systems, Meagan Leduc, MS, Geology
Parenting Style and Relational Aggression: The Moderating Role of Physiological Reactivity, Maria Lent, MA, Psychology
The architecture of a lower-crustal shear zone and evidence for along-strike variations in strain localization and partitioning, Fiordland, New Zealand, Peter Carl Lindquist, MS, Geology
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Of Two Contraceptive Services Interventions For Women Receiving Medication For Opioid Use Disorder And At Risk Of Unintended Pregnancy, Heidi S. Melbostad, PhD, Psychology
From Molecules to Whole Organisms: Insect Responses to Climate Change, Emily Elizabeth Mikucki, PhD, Biology
Chirality-Assisted Synthesis of Single-Handed Freeform Helical Ladder Polymers, Kyle Everett Murphy, PhD, Chemistry
Examining sucrose subjective response among individuals with opioid use disorder, Taylor Anne Ochalek, PhD, Psychology
The Intersection of Motherhood and Manipulation: How Slavery Informs The Maternal Identity, Meghan O'Day, MA, English
The Role of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Reactivity on the Association between Childhood Adversity, Symptoms of Psychopathology, and Metabolic Health, Kerry O'Loughlin, PhD, Psychology
Effects of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi on reproductive traits in Vaccinium corymbosum, Erin O'Neill, MS, Biology
Towards a Developmental Theory of Coping: The Structure and Function of Coping in Emerging Adults, Virginia Diane Peisch, PhD, Psychology
Cognitive Predictors of Depressive Symptoms: Cognitive Reactivity, Mood Reactivity, and Dysfunctional Attitudes, Jessica Perez, MA, Psychology
"Do You Want To Live?": Law, Freedom, and Psychosis in the Modernist Novel, Edward Pomykaj, MA, English
The Axes of Fantasy: A Lacanian Exploration of Time and Space, Amelia Royce, MA, English
The Negative Consequences Of Positive Stereotypes: Positive Gender Stereotypes Elicit Negative Stereotype Beliefs But Not Stereotype Threat For Women In Stem., Elizabeth Scharnetzki, PhD, Psychology
Markers Of Alcohol Use Disorder Outpatient Treatment Outcome: Prediction Modeling Of Day One Treatment, Geoffrey J. Schaubhut, PhD, Psychology
Investigations Into Signaling Mechanisms Of The Dcbld Receptor Family, Anna Schmoker, PhD, Biology
Evidence For Polyphase Deformation In The Shear Zones Bounding The Chester And Athens Domes, Southeastern Vermont, From 40ar/39ar Geochronology, Kristin Schnalzer, MS, Geology
Bottom-Up Synthesis Of Macromolecules And Their Selective Catalytic Performance At The Nanoscale, Mona Sharafi, PhD, Chemistry
Consumption Of Microplastics Impacts The Growth And Fecal Properties Of The Marine Copepod, Acartia Tonsa, Emily Ann Shore, MS, Biology
Sulfur And Selenium In Peptides And Proteins: Part I – Chemoselective Methods For Disulfide Bond Formation, Part Ii – Function Of Selenium In Enzymes., Emma Jean Ste.Marie, PhD, Chemistry
Investigating Tobacco Withdrawal In Opioid-Maintained Smokers And Smokers With Other Vulnerabilities, Joanna Mayers Streck, PhD, Psychology
Spectroscopic Investigation Into The Heme Binding And The Heme Degradation By Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mhud, Biswash Thakuri, PhD, Chemistry
Waking The Dragon: Routes To Female Empowerment In Fantasy, Claire Theoret, MA, English
The Development And Expansion Of A Cationic 1,3-Diaza Claisen Rearrangement That Affords Guanidines, Jordan Tocher, PhD, Chemistry
Investigation Of The Intramolecular 1,3-Diaza-Claisen Rearrangement In The Ring Expansion Reactions Of Vinyl Pyrrolidines And Vinyl Piperidines, Teruki Watanabe, PhD, Chemistry
Financial Incentives for Smoking Cessation Among Perinatal Women At Risk for Depression: Effects on Smoking Abstinence and Depressive Symptoms, Ivori Zvorsky, PhD, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Comedy Basque Style: A Recontextualization of Commedia all'Italiana, Zackary Michael Adams, MA, English
Parsing Heterogenity In Non-Episodic, Pediatric Irritability: A Transdiagnostic, Research Domain Criteria Informed Approach, Merelise Rose Ametti, MA, Psychology
The Body In Avant Garde Poetry, Matthew Luis Burkett, MA, English
Toward Macromolecular Shape And Size Control: Novel Enantioselective Nitrations And Iterative Exponential Growth Methods For Polymer Synthesis, Joseph Patrick Campbell, PhD, Chemistry
Quantum entanglement of one-dimensional spinless fermions, Emanuel Casiano-Diaz, MS, Physics
Metal Catalyzed Group 14 And 15 Bond Forming Reactions: Heterodehydrocoupling And Hydrophosphination, Michael Cibuzar, PhD, Chemistry
Multiscale Expression Of Apatite Dissolution, Adele Conde, MS, Geology
Examining The Malleability Of Cigarette Product Preference, Danielle Rose Davis, PhD, Psychology
Early Undergraduate Publishing At The University Of Vermont: Literary And Debating Societies & Their Publications, 1803-1865, Alexander Hampton Ellis, MA, History
Neurodevelopmental Roles of Semaphorin6A/PlexinA2 Signaling in Zebrafish, Sarah Elizabeth Emerson, PhD, Biology
Validation of the Triarchic Model of Psychopathy in Youth, Andrew Douglas Gill, PhD, Psychology
Can Perspective Taking Lead to Prejudice and Discrimination?, James Joseph Hodge, PhD, Psychology
Referral Patterns and Service Provision in Child Protective Services: Child, Caregiver, and Case Predictors, Hannah Mead Holbrook, PhD, Psychology
I. Contorted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Attempted Synthesis Of [12]circulene Derivatives Ii. Synthesis And Characterization Of Novel [1]benzothieno[3,2-B][1]benzothiophene Derivatives, Jonathan Hollin, PhD, Chemistry
Risk profiles for adolescent internalizing problems, Kelsey Elizabeth Hudson, PhD, Psychology
Protein Mass Spectrometry Aids In Chagas Vector Blood Meal Identification And Offers An Innovative Approach To Battling Vector-Borne Diseases, Judith Ina Keller, PhD, Biology
A Randomized Trial to Compare Switching to Very Low Nicotine Content Cigarettes Versus Reducing Cigarettes Per Day, Elias Mushabac Klemperer, PhD, Psychology
Measuring The Influence Of Environmental Conditions On Dissolved Organic Matter Biodegradability And Optical Properties: A Combined Field And Laboratory Study, Maxwell Landsman-Gerjoi, MS, Geology
As One Who From a Volume Reads: A Study of the Long Narrative Poem in Nineteenth-Century America, Sean Leahy, MA, English
Expansion Of The Intramolecular Zwitterionic-1,3-Diaza-Claisen Rearrangement Beyond Bridged-Bicyclic Electron-Deficient Isothioureas To Generate Substituted Cyclic Guanidines, Matthew William Luedtke, PhD, Chemistry
Warren Robinson Austin: A Reluctant Cold Warrior, Ronald Colin MacNeil, MA, History
Comparing Family Planning Knowledge Among Females and Males Receiving Opioid Agonist Treatment or Seeking Primary Care Services, Heidi S. Melbostad, MA, Psychology
Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior among Bhutanese Refugees Resettled in the United States, Jonah Meyerhoff, PhD, Psychology
Strain Accommodation, Metamorphic Evolution, And 3d Kinematics Of Transpressional Flow Within The Lower Crust Of A Cretaceous Magmatic Arc In Fiordland, New Zealand, Griffin Amoss Moyer, MS, Geology
Ethics in Iran: Jacques Lacan and the Films of Abbas Kiarostami's "Koker Trilogy", Ryan Nordle, MA, English
A Multi-Frequency Study of Arecibo Pulsars, Timothy Eugene Edward Olszanski, MS, Physics
Phantom Limb: An Exploration of Queer Manner in Nineteenth-Century Gothic Tales, Casey Michelle O'Reilly, MA, English
Predictors of Psychotherapy Attrition among Refugees, Emily Robin Pichler, PhD, Psychology
Digital Affect and the Rhetorical Situation After the Las Vegas Shooting, Andrew Ridgeway, MA, English
Inflammation Of The Taste Sensory System: Cyclophosphamide And Amifostine, Anish Ali Sarkar, MS, Biology
Spectroscopic Study of the Formation and Degradation of Metalated Tetrapyrroles by the Enzymes CfbA, IsdG, and MhuD, Ariel E. Schuelke-Sanchez, PhD, Chemistry
Unmasking a Medieval Pseudo-Saint: The Peculiar Story of Sibylla of Marsal in Richer's Gesta Senoniensis Ecclesiae, Courtney Anne Smith, MA, History
Biobehavioral Predictors Of Cannabis Use In Adolescence, Philip Aaron Spechler, PhD, Psychology
The Structure of Parent-Child Coping Interactions as a Predictor of Adjustment in Middle Childhood: A Dynamic Systems Perspective, Sarah Budney Stanger, PhD, Psychology
Contextual Control Of Instrumental Actions And Habits Following Retroactive Interference, Michael Steinfeld, MA, Psychology
VO(dtpa) Complexes Immobilized on Mesoporous Silica: Structural Characterization and Mechanistic Investigation of Sulfide and Alkene Oxidation Reactions, Jenna R. Taft, PhD, Chemistry
Investigating The Role Of Histidyl-Trna Synthetase In Zebrafish Nervous System Development, Ashley Waldron, PhD, Biology
Phosphorus Mobility and Speciation Under Dynamic Redox Conditions in Shallow Eutrophic Freshwater Systems, Austin Wilkes, MS, Geology
Happily Arguing: The Role of Parental Positive Emotions During Interparental Conflict on Child Functioning, Hannah Childs Woolfolk, PhD, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Geochronologic Constraints On The Timing Of Metamorphism And Exhumation Of The Tillotson Peak Complex In Northern Vermont, Cheyne Aiken, MS, Geology
Rna Virus Ecology In Bumble Bees (bombus Spp.) And Evidence For Disease Spillover, Samantha Ann Alger, PhD, Biology
Combining Observations Of Soils And Streams To Investigate Trends Caused By Reduced Acid Depositon In The Sleepers River Watershed, Jesse Armfield, MS, Geology
Exploration Of Zirconium-Catalyzed Intermolecular Hydrophosphination With Primary Phosphines: Photocatalytic Single And Double Hydrophosphination, Christine Anne Bange, PhD, Chemistry
Evaluating The Utility Of The Modified Cigarette Evaluation Questionnaire And The Cigarette Purchase Task For Predicting Acute Relative Reinforcing Efficacy In Cigarettes Which Vary In Nicotine Content, Cecilia L. Bergeria, PhD, Psychology
War in the nursery: The impact of transgenerational trauma on refugee infant development, Anne Brassell, PhD, Psychology
The SH2 Domain-Containing Adaptor Protein SHD Reversibly Binds the CRKL-SH2 Domain and Knockdown of shdb Impairs Zebrafish Eye Development, Brendan Chandler, MS, Biology
Soil Aggregates: The mechanistic link to increased dissolved organic carbon in surface waters?, Malayika Cincotta, MS, Geology
Fragmentation, Rearrangement, And C-H Insertion: Reactions Of Vinyl Cations Derived From Diazo Carbonyls, Sarah Elizabeth Cleary, PhD, Chemistry
Spectroscopic Insight into Oxidative Heme Cleavage by the Non-canonical Heme Oxygenase IsdG from Staphylococcus aureus, Matthew A. Conger, PhD, Chemistry
Simulacra Of The (un)real: Reading Margaret Atwood’s Lady Oracle As A Feminist Text Of Bodily Resistance, Kimberly Michelle Dean, MA, English
The Synthesis of Highly Substituted Aromatics and the Reaction of Alkene Pi Systems with Vinyl Cations, Nicholas Jarrod Dodge, PhD, Chemistry
Genetic And Demographic Consequences Of Lake And River Habitat Fragmentation On Fishes In Vermont, Peter T. Euclide, PhD, Biology
Between Extermination and Child-Rearing: The Foreign Child-Care Facilities of Volkswagen and Velpke, Lauren Elizabeth Fedewa, MA, History
The Radical Ekphrasis Of Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons, Georgia Googer, MA, English
Resource control strategies: Associations with autonomic nervous system reactivity, Leigh Ann Holterman, PhD, Psychology
Effects Of Natural And Social Environments On Psychological Development Of Main Characters: A Study Of Three Nineteenth-Century German Novellen, Justin Hueckel, MA, German
Uncovering The Variable Life History Traits And Strategies Of The Gregarine Parasite, Monocystis Perplexa, In Its Invasive Earthworm Host, Amynthas Agrestis, Erin L. Keller, MS, Biology
From Sea To Lake: The Depositional History Of Saint Albans Bay, Vt, Usa, Matthew Kraft, MS, Geology
The Influence Of Television Pacing On Attention And Executive Functioning, Timothy LaVigne, PhD, Psychology
Application Of Geophysical And Geochronological Methods To Sedimentologic And Stratigraphic Problems In The Lower Cambrian Monkton Formation: Northwestern Vermont, Henry C. Maguire, MS, Geology
A Social Identity Threat To Merit: The Effects Of Similar Experience On Empathic Concern, Asia McCleary-Gaddy, PhD, Psychology
Writing Gets Personal: Listening at the Intersections of Creative Writing and Writing Tutoring, Zoe Nicole McDonald, MA, English
The Progressive Evolution of the Champlain Thrust Fault Zone: Insights from a Structural Analysis of its Architecture, Matthew Merson, MS, Geology
Intra-cellular mechanisms by which PAC1 receptor activation mediates stress-induced reinstatement to drug-seeking, Olivia Miles, PhD, Psychology
Nutritional Ecology of Aphaenogaster Ants in Response to Climate Change, Katie A. Miller, MS, Biology
Multiple Functions Of The Striated Rootlet Proteins Of The Paramecium Basal Body, Md Ashikun Nabi, PhD, Biology
Investigating The Effects Of Ant-Hemipteran Mutualisms On The Invertebrate Community Structure And Their Host Plant, Honey Mesquite (prosopis Glandulosa), Nabil Nasseri, PhD, Biology
Evaluating The Effectiveness Of An Anti-Texting-While-Driving Training Program For Young Drivers: The Role Of Adhd Symptomatology, J.Quyen Vu Alexander Nichols, PhD, Psychology
Quantification Of Mouse Cardiac Troponin I And Myosin Binding Protein C Phosphorylation By Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (lc-Ms), Praveena Nukareddy, PhD, Chemistry