Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Understanding Everyday Decisions: An Examination Of Biases In Decision-Making, Educational Attainment, And Use Of Tobacco And Nicotine Delivery Products Among Women Of Reproductive Age, Laura L. Chivers, PhD, Psychology
A Randomized Pilot Trial: An Internet-Based Mind/body Intervention To Mitigate Anxiety In Women Experiencing Infertility, Jessica Clifton, PhD, Psychology
The Mormon Battalion's Manifest Destiny: Expansion and Identity during the Mexican-American War, Natalie Brooke Coffman, MA, History
Determinants of Termite Species Taxonomic, Phylogenetic, and Functional Diversity in the Amazonian Forest, Cristian de Sales Dambros, PhD, Biology
The interplay between deformation and metamorphism during strain localization in the lower crust: Insights from Fiordland, New Zealand, Kathryn Elise Dianiska, MS, Geology
Thomas Johnson: Gentleman, Vermonter, Patriot, Angela Nicole Grove, MA, History
Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β: An Investigation Of The Novel Serine 389 Phosphorylation Site, Brendan Deegan Hare, PhD, Psychology
Effects of hybridization and life history tradeoffs on pathogen resistance in the Harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex), Yainna M. Hernaiz-Hernandez, MS, Biology
Distress Intolerance and Cannabis Use: An Initial Empirical Investigation, Julianna Brett Hogan, PhD, Psychology
FNIRS Measures of Prefrontal Cortex Lateralization During Stuttered and Fluency-Enhanced Speech in Adults Who Stutter, Danra M. Kazenski, PhD, Psychology
Factors in the Regulation of Cycles of Binge Eating Behavior, Andrew Knapp, PhD, Psychology
Susceptibility to Peer Influence for Engagement in Relational Aggression and Prosocial Behavior: The Roles of Popular Peers, Stress Physiology, and Gender, Nicole Lin Lafko, MA, Psychology
I. A New Route To Azomethine Ylides: Shifting The Reliance On Amino Ester Precursors II. Applications In Total Synthesis, Natalie Kay Machamer, PhD, Chemistry
Catalytic Main Group Element Bond Formation Reactions Toward the Preparation of Conjugated Materials, Neil Mucha, PhD, Chemistry
Moderating Effects of Coping on Associations Between Stress Reactivity and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems, Amy Aliza Paysnick, PhD, Psychology
Meckelin Functions in the Guided Movement and Orientation of Basal Bodies Prior to Duplication in Paramecium tetraurelia, Tyler August Picariello, PhD, Biology
Intuitions or Informational Assumptions? An Investigation of the Psychological Factors Behind Moral Judgments, Nolan Rampy, PhD, Psychology
Studies Toward The Total Synthesis Of Subincanadine E, Corinne Marie Sadlowski, PhD, Chemistry
Discrepant Attentional Biases Toward Sexual Stimuli, Martin Seehuus, PhD, Psychology
Wanting It Told: Narrative Desire in Cather and Faulkner, Monroe Street, MA, English
Polycystin-2 (PKD2), Eccentric (XNTA), and Meckelin (MKS3) in the Ciliated Model Organism Paramecium tetraurelia, Megan Smith Valentine, PhD, Biology
The Common Cause of All Advanced and Progressive Mankind: Proletarian Internationalism, Spain, and the American Communist Press, 1936 - 1937, G. Scott Waterman, MA, History
FGF8a is Required for Proper Vascularization of the Zebrafish Retina, Erin Wysolmerski, MS, Biology
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
An Analysis of the Effect of ß-Hydroxy-ß-Methylbutyrate on the Flight Ability and Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster, Alexandra Elizabeth Beattie, MS, Biology
The Victorian Governess as Spectacle of Pain: A Cultural History of the British Governess as Withered Invalid, Bloody Victim and Sadistic Birching Madam, From 1840 to 1920, Ruby Ray Daily, MA, History
The Cortisol/DHEA Ratio and Sexual Function in Women with and without a History of Depression, Carolyn Marie Dundon, PhD, Psychology
Assessment Reactivity within the Context of a Web-Based Brief Intervention for Alcohol Use, Tera Leigh Fazzino, PhD, Psychology
Investigations into host-specific interactions and local adaptation in the mycorrhizal symbiosis, Jonathan Gonzalez, MS, Biology
Electron Correlation Effects in Strained Dual-Layer Graphene Systems, Peter Karl Harnish, MS, Physics
Novel Aza-Prins Cyclization and [3+2] Dipolar Cycloaddition Toward N-Heterocyclic Molecules and Studies Toward the Total Synthesis of Borrecapine, Xiaoxi Liu, PhD, Chemistry
Examining Delay Discounting and Response to Incentive-Based Smoking-Cessation Treatment Among Pregnant Women, Alexa Ashley Lopez, PhD, Psychology
Effect Of Thermal Treatment On The Cation Exchange And Disordering In Tourmaline, Jacob Stern Menken, MS, Geology
Local mate competition and the sex ratios of malaria parasites, with a focus on Plasmodium mexicanum, Allison T. Neal, PhD, Biology
Strain localization and exhumation of the lower crust: A study of the three-dimensional structure and flow kinematics of central Fiordland, New Zealand, Alice Newman, MS, Geology
Role of Sensation Seeking in Sensitivity to d-amphetamine Reinforcement, Mollie E. Patrick, PhD, Psychology
The Wanderer's Path through the Age of Goethe: A Literary and Musical Focus, Mark Patrick Russell, MA, German
The Effects of Reinforcer Distribution During Response Elimination on Resurgence of an Instrumental Response, Scott Timothy Schepers, MA, Psychology
Anodic Strategies For The Covalent Attachment Of Molecules To Electrodes Through Ethynyl And Vinyl Linkages, Matthew Vincent Sheridan, PhD, Chemistry
Emotion Regulation Strategies in Binge Eating Disorder: Rumination, Distress Tolerance, and Expectancies for Eating, Lilya Sitnikov, PhD, Psychology
The Contribution of Purinergic P2X and P2Y Receptors to the Excitability of Mouse Vomeronasal Sensory Neurons, Jonathan Vick, PhD, Biology
Pd0-Catalyzed Formal 1,3-Diaza-Claisen Rearrangement. Design And Development Of Cationic 1,3-Diaza-Claisen Rearrangement., Yanbo Yang, PhD, Chemistry
Application Of A Ring Fragmentation/azomethine Ylide 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Sequence In The Synthesis Of Demissidine, Zhe Zhang, PhD, Chemistry
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Role of the Drosophila Melanogaster Indirect Flight Muscles in Flight and Male Courtship Song: Studies on Flightin and Mydson Light Chain - 2, Samya Chakravorty, PhD, Biology
Naughty in the Aughties, 21st Century British Adolescent Culture and Alienation in Skins Seasons 1-2, Megan Griffith, MA, English
Growing up with Vertigo: British Writers, DC, and the Maturation of American Comic Books, Derek Salisbury, MA, History
Rejection Sensitivity as Mediator Between Stigma and Romantic Relationship Satisfaction, Jennifer Zangl, MA, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
From the Golden Gate to the Green Mountains: A Hapa Educational Autobiography and Meta-Critical Reflection, Noelle Brassey, MA, English
The Carver Canard: Textual Restoration as Authorial Effacer, John Flanagan, MA, English
"Organized Crime Against Civilization": The Congressional Investigation of Liberated Concentration Camps in 1945, Benjamin A. Lindsey, MA, History
Advances in Rock Fabric Quantification and the Reconstruction of Progressive Dike Replacement in the Coastal Batholith of Central Chile, Jeffrey R. Webber, MS, Geology
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Titaniq Thermobarometry of Fabric Development in the Strafford Dome, Vermont: Linking Microstructures to Orogenic Processes, Kyle T. Ashley, MS, Geology
Investigating the Timing of Deglaciation and the Efficiency of Subglacial Erosion in Central-Western Greenland with Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al, Lee B. Corbett, MS, Geology
In the "Eye of the Beholder": Prejudice, the In-Group Over-Exclusion Effect, and the Fat Threshold, Leslie C Johnson, PhD, Psychology
Margaret Atwood’s Divided Self, Kate Moss, MA, English
When Animal Housing and Strain Difference Matter: Cellular and Behavioral Studies in Mouse Olfaction, Carol Taylor-Burds, PhD, Biology
“Culturally Homeless”: Queer Parody and Negative Affect as Resistance to Normatives, Phillip Zapkin, MA, English
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Mechanisms of Secondary Extinction, Drina Vurbic, MA, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Bogus Butter: An Analysis of the 1886 Congressional Debates on Oleomargarine Legislation, Chris Burns, MA, History
Facilitating Social Emotional Skills in Preschool Children, James Calhoun, PhD, Psychology
The Association of Parental Depressive Symptoms and Child Anxiety Symptoms: the Role of Specific Parenting Behaviors, Christina Colletti, PhD, Psychology
Discovery of a Novel Ring Fragmentation Reaction; Efficient Preparation of Tethered Aldehyde Ynoates and N-Containing Heterocycles;Radical Addition Approach to Asymmetric Amine Synthesis, Cristian Draghici, PhD, Chemistry
Erosion Rates in and Around Shenandoah National Park, VA Determined Using Analysis of Cosmogenic 10Be, Jane Duxbury, MS, Geology
Changing Land Use, Climate, and Hydrology in the Winooski, William Hackett, MS, Geology
Ecological and Evolutionary Factors Affecting Population Persistence of a Globally Threatened Wetland Plant, Polemonium Vanbruntiae (Polemoniaceae), Laura Hill Bermingham, PhD, Biology
Womanism and the Fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri, Genna Welsh Kasun, MA, English
Phenylene Ethynylene and Phenylene Imine Macrocycles As Precursors for Organic Nanotubes, Andrew Korich, PhD, Chemistry
Developmental Regulation and Function of AMPA Receptor Subunits in Chicken Lumbar Motoneurons, Xianglian Ni, PhD, Biology
Phylogenetic Relationships and Divergence Times in Rodents Based on Both Genes and Fossils, Ryan Norris, PhD, Biology
Stopping Marijuana Increases Alcohol Use: An Experimental Verification of Drug Substitution, Erica Peters, PhD, Psychology
Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Strain Rates Near Swiss Camp, Greenland, Julie Rumrill, MS, Geology
Effects of Acute Nicotine on Risk Taking in Individuals with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Age-Matched Controls, Katherine Ryan, PhD, Psychology
A Requieum for Ray Brower: Ecounters with Death in Stephen King's "The Body", Keith Philip Silva, MA, English
Missisquoi Bay Sediment Phosphorus Cycling: the Role of Organic Phosphorus and Seasonal Redox Fluctuations, Lydia Smith, MS, Geology
The Incremental Utility of Behavioral Rating Scales and a Structured Diagnostic Interview in the Assessment of ADHD, Aaron Vaughn, PhD, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Maternal Sensitivity As a Mediator of Maternal History of Care and Children's Emotion Regulation and Attachment at 2 ½ Years of Age, Patricia Barrig Jo, PhD, Psychology
Structural and Kinematic Evolution of the Lower Crust, Paul Betka, MS, Geology
Frequency of Marijuana Use and Anxious and Fearful Responding to Bodily Sensations: a Laboratory Test, Marcel Bonn-Miller, PhD, Psychology
Unseen Identity:, Jeffrey Bukowski, MA, English
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Clients at a University, Ciara Byrne, PhD, Psychology
Parental Depression in Remission:, Nicole L. Coffelt, PhD, Psychology
Teaching Evolution with Palentological Data: a Web Resource, Corey C. Coutu, MS, Geology
Does Your "Me" Influence How Our "I"S Connect: I-Sharing As An Antidote for Weight-Based Prejudice, Leslie A. Crimin, MA, Psychology
Far from Home the Sojourns of E. J. Ormsbee in the Samoan Islands, Zackary Gardner, MA, History
Vision and Division in a Frontier Community:, Virginia Allison Gellman, MA, History
Anxiety Sensitivity and Perceived Control Over Anxiety-Related Events: Evaluating the Singular and Interactive Effects in the Prediction of Anxious and Fearful Responding to Bodily Sensations, Kristin Gregor, PhD, Psychology
Nulling Periodicities in Pulsars, Jeffrey Herfindal, MS, Physics
Oligomerization of Levoglucosan in Proxies of Biomass Burning Aerosols, Bryan J. Holmes, PhD, Chemistry
John Steinbeck As a Radical Novelist, Shawn Jasinski, MA, English
Organometallic Electrochemistry: a Study of Diazonium-Based Surface Attachments and the Anodic Chemistry of Piano-Stool Complexes, Derek Laws, PhD, Chemistry
The Compression and Expansion of Musical Experience in the Digital Age, Jesse Lawson, MA, English
Relationship Between Service Intensity, Care Coordination, And Child Outcomes, Kristen M. Leverentz-Brady, PhD, Psychology
A Phylogenetic Analysis of North American Lasius Ants Based on Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA, Trevor Manendo, MS, Biology
Associations Between Intelligence Test Scores and Test Session Behavior in Children with ADHD, LD, and EBD, Stephanie Anne Nelson, PhD, Psychology
An Examination of the New England Holocaust Memorial, Christine Nold, MA, History
The Role of Plasma Membrane Calcium Atpase and its Association with Lipid Rafts in Chemoattraction in Paramecium, Yunfeng Pan, MS, Biology
Racism at the Movies: Vietnam War Films, 1968-2002, Sara Pike, MA, History
Synthesis and Study of Linear and Cyclic Polycyclopentadienones and Polypheylenes, Robert G. Potter, PhD, Chemistry
Chacterization of Paramecium Tetraurelia Ciliary Membrane Plasma Membrane Calcium Pumps and Lipid Rafts, Koela Ray, MS, Biology
5-Ht1a Antagonism within the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Modulates Anxiety-Like Behaviors in Rats, Kimberly Rhodes, MA, Psychology
Does Mindfulness Mediate the Relationship Between Parental Depressionand Negative Parenting Behaviors?, Erin Roland, PhD, Psychology