Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Monkey See, Monkey Do: How Academia Turned Curious George Into a Racial Commentary, Matthew Roper, MA, History
Anxiogenic Effects of Auditory Stimuli As Measured with Acoustic Startle, Jasmin Salam, MA, Psychology
“Mit Haut Und Haar” Sprichwörtliches in Der Lyrik Gisela Steineckerts, Annegret Schmitt-Johnson, MA, German
The Internet Arcade: Walter Benjamin and the Social Internet, Matthew Shagam, MA, English
Synthesis and Characterization of New Mesoporous Materials and their Application in Catalysis and Adsorption, Sean Solberg, PhD, Chemistry
The Wraparound Puzzle: Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Wraparound Fidelity Index, Jesse Suter, PhD, Psychology
Clonal Diversity of the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium Mexicanum: Diversity Over Time and Space, and Effects on the Parasite’s Transmission, Infection Dynamics and Virulence, Anne Vardo-Zalik, PhD, Biology
Anxiety Sensitivity As Moderator of the Association Between Nicotine withdrawal and Panic-Relevant Responding to a Carbon Dioxide-Enriched Air Laboratory Challenge, Anka Vujanovic, PhD, Psychology
Commemoration and Curriculum:, Helen Wilbur, MA, History
Ant Community Assembly in the Siskiyou-Klamath Ecoregion, Sarah Wittman, PhD, Biology
Photoelectron Resonance Capture Ionization Aerosol Mass Spectrometry of Organic Particulate Matter, James Zahardis, PhD, Chemistry
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Empathic and Socio-Cognitive Deficits of Adjudicated Adolescents, Laurie Kaufman, PhD, Psychology
Evaluating the Moderating Role of Anxiety Sensitivity on Smoking in Terms of Panic Psychopathology:, Alison Christine McLeish, PhD, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
The Invention of the Transistor, Bret E. Crawford, MS, Physics