Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A novel mhealth application for improving HIV and Hepatitis C knowledge in individuals with opioid use disorder, Taylor A. Ochalek, MA, Psychology
On the Edge of Freedom: The Re-enslavement of Elizabeth Watson, Franco Paz, MA, History
Diversification Of Muroid Rodents Driven By The Late Miocene Global Cooling, Nelish Pradhan, PhD, Biology
Microscale controls on lead speciation in soils: a framework for sustainable remediation, Grant Reeder, MS, Geology
Promoting Competence in College Students: The Role of Psychological Flexibility, Elyse Rubin Rosenberg, PhD, Psychology
Examining the Roles of Sex, Methamphetamine, and Degree of Training in Habit Formation in Rats, Hannah Schoenberg, MA, Psychology
A Par/ergon For Poe: Arthur Rackham And The Fin De Siècle Illustrators, Jessica M. Slayton, MA, English
Cutting the Gordian Knot: Race, Gender and Sexuality in Moby-Dick and Absalom, Absalom!, Alana Smith, MA, English
Unprecedented Reactivity And Applications Of 1-Aza-2-Azoniaallene Salts, Ramya Srinivasan, PhD, Chemistry
'Crk'-ing the Code: The role of Crk adaptor proteins in zebrafish eye development, Helaina Renee Stergas, MS, Biology
Geochronological Constraints On The Timing Of Deformation: An Examination Of The Prospect Rock Fault Footwall In North-Central Vermont, Evan Tam, MS, Geology
Social Isolation Predicting Problematic Alcohol Use in Emerging Adults: Examining the Unique Role of Existential Isolation, Geneva Carolyn Yawger, MA, Psychology
Distribution, Dna Barcoding And Phylogenetics Of Caribbean Calliphoridae Flies: Tools For Forensic Studies, Sohath Zamira Yusseff, PhD, Biology
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Fingerprinting Wolframite: An Atomic/crystallographic, Chemical And Spectroscopic Study Along The Solid Solution Series, Gina Marie Accorsi, MS, Geology
The Impact of Stigma on the Mental Health of Resettled African and Asian Refugees, Victoria M. Baptiste, PhD, Psychology
Dutch-Indian Land Transactions, 1630-1664: A Legal Middle Ground of Land Tenures, Daniella Franccesca Bassi, MA, History
Comparing the Smoking Topography of Usual Brand Cigarettes in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Smokers, Cecilia Louise Bergeria, MA, Psychology
Speciation, Distribution, Prediction, and Mobility of Lead in Urban Soils: A Multiscale Study, Jennifer Bower, MS, Geology
Relational, Indirect, and Social Aggression: Measure Development for Emerging Adults, Nicole Lafko Breslend, PhD, Psychology
An Effect All Together Unexpected: The Grotesque In Edgar Allan Poe's Fiction, Clinton M. Bryant, MA, English
Thermodynamic vs kinetic control of particle assembly and pattern replication, Lizhen Chen, MS, Chemistry
I. Designing Brighter Fluorophores: A Computational And Spectroscopic Approach To Predicting Photophysical Properties Of Hydrazone-Based Dyes Ii. Developing Spectroscopic Methods To Better Understand The Cofactors Of Metalloproteins, Morgan Cousins, PhD, Chemistry
Comparing The Effects Of Menthol Status On The Behavioral Pharmacology Of Smoking Reduced Nicotine Content Cigarettes, Danielle Davis, MA, Psychology
On the People and the "Pretended" State: The Concept of Sovereignty in Vermont, 1750-1791, Christopher DeMairo, MA, History
Detecting Landscape Response to Perturbations by Climate and Base Level in Central Pennsylvania Using In-Situ 10Be and 26Al, Alison R. Denn, MS, Geology
New Approaches To Heterocycle Synthesis: A Greener Route To Structurally Complex Protonated Azomethine Imines, And Their Use In 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions, Ram Chandra Dhakal, PhD, Chemistry
Imperial Influence On The Postcolonial Indian Army, 1945-1973, Robin James Fitch-McCullough, MA, History
Crustal Deformation During Arc-Flare Up Magmatism: Field And Microstructural Analysis Of A Mid-Crustal, Melt Enhanced Shear Zone, John Bennett Gilbert, MS, Geology
Accelerating Quantum Monte Carlo via Graphics Processing Units, Benjamin Evert Himberg, MS, Physics
The impact of depression on treatment adherence and cardiorespiratory fitness in cardiac rehabilitation, Sheau-Yan Ho, PhD, Psychology
Making I-Contact: Fostering Shared, In-the-moment Subjective Experiences, Mark Huneke, PhD, Psychology
4d Strain Path Recorded In The Lower Crust During The Transition From Convergence To Continental Rifting, Doubtful Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand, Michael Ingram, MS, Geology
Co-Localization of Basal and Proliferative Cells in the Murine Main Olfactory Epithelium and Vomeronasal Organ after Injury with Cyclophosphamide, Kyle Barnes Joseph, MS, Biology
Tetrabenzo[8]circulene: Synthesis and Structural Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Negative Curvature, Robert William Miller, PhD, Chemistry
Evolutionary Innovations In Ants To Thermally Stressful Environments, Andrew D. Nguyen, PhD, Biology
Cyclopentadienyl Compounds of the First Row Transition Metals and Early Actinides: Novel Main-Group Bond Forming Catalysis and New Metallacycles, Justin Kane Pagano, PhD, Chemistry
The Psychopathic Personality: Measurement, Variants, And Utility Of The Construct, Melissa L. Paiva-Salisbury, PhD, Psychology
Multidimenional Assessment Of Parenting Across Three Developmental Stages, Justin Parent, PhD, Psychology
Reading Toni Morrison: Rethinking Race and Subjectivity with Giorgio Agamben and Joan Copjec, Gabriela Marie Salazar, MA, English
The Moderating Role of RSA Baseline, Reactivity, and Recovery in the Link between Parental Socialization of Emotion Regulation and Children's Internalizing Symptoms, Wesley Sanders, PhD, Psychology
Renewal In The Context Of Stress: A Potential Mechanism Of Stress-Induced Reinstatement, Scott Timothy Schepers, PhD, Psychology
Transitions in Subtypes of Withdrawn Behavior from Childhood to Adolescence: The Role of Sports Participation, Meghan Conboy Schreck, PhD, Psychology
Predictive Modeling of Adolescent Cannabis Use From Multimodal Data, Philip Spechler, MA, Psychology
Tridecacyclene: Synthesis and Structural Properties of Non-Planar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Studies Towards a Fragment of the Fullerene C240, Daniel Sumy, PhD, Chemistry
Cues Associated with Alternative Reinforcement can Attenuate Resurgence of an Extinguished Instrumental Response, Sydney Trask, PhD, Psychology
Silica Nanoparticles for the Delivery of DNA and RNAi in Cancer Treatment, Michael Aaron Vrolijk, MS, Chemistry
Generation Of Electron Deficient Carbodiimides And Their Application In The Guanidine Forming, Zwitterionic 1,3-Diaza-Claisen Rearrangement, Joel Walker, PhD, Chemistry
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
My Ántonia and Willa Cather's Reciprocal Regionalism and W.T. Benda's Illustrations, Sean Michael Abrams, MA, English
Unprecedented Ractivity Of 1-Aza-2-Azoniaallene Salts: New Methodologies And Mechanistic Studies For The Formation Of Diazenium Salts And Tetrahydropyridazines, Nezar Al-Bataineh, PhD, Chemistry
The Structural Evolution Of A Portion Of The Median Batholith And Its Host Rock In Central Fiordland, New Zealand: Examples Of Partitioned Transpression And Structural Reactivation, Hannah Jane Blatchford, MS, Geology
Walking With A Ghost: Sodomy, Sanity and the Secular, Kyle Joseph Campbell, MA, English
A Study Of The Physicochemical Properties Of Dense And Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles That Impact Protein Adsorption From Biological Fluids, Alden Michael Clemments, PhD, Chemistry
The Stare-In-The-Crowd Effect: Phenomenology, Psychophysiology, And Relations To Psychopathology, Eileen Tara Crehan, PhD, Psychology
Impacts Of Forest Disturbance On Small Mammal Distribution, Allyson Lenora Degrassi, PhD, Biology
Investigating The Influence Of Gold Nanoparticles On The Photocatalytic And Catalytic Reactivity Of Porous Tungsten Oxide Microparticles, Daniel P. DePuccio, PhD, Chemistry
Exercise in developing rats promotes plasticity in the prefrontal cortex: behavioral and neurobiological indications, Meghan Eddy, PhD, Psychology
Cognitive Vulnerability to Mood Disturbance in an Exercise Withdrawal Paradigm, Margaret C. Evans, PhD, Psychology
Learning Related Regulation of a Voltage-Gated Ion Channel in the Cerebellum, Jason R. Fuchs, PhD, Psychology
Investigations Into Carbon Nanotube And Natural Product Synthesis., Geoffrey Giampa, PhD, Chemistry
Second coordination sphere of heme in Mycobacterium tuberculosis MhuD, and the mechanism of heme degradation, Amanda Graves, PhD, Chemistry
Comparing Meteoric 10Be, In Situ 10Be, and Native 9Be Across a Diverse Set of Watersheds, Emily Sophie Greene, MS, Geology
Using Aqueous Soil Extracts to Study Organic Matter Leaching From Soils of Different River Corridor Land Covers in Vermont, Alyson Hampsch, MS, Geology
The Role of Green Leafy Plants in Atmospheric Chemistry: Volatile Emissions and Secondary Organic Aerosol, Rebecca Harvey, PhD, Chemistry
The Past Isn't Dead: Faulkner's Postcolonialism, Travis Roy Heeren, MA, English
Sexual Conflict and Chemical Communication in Hybridizing Harvester Ants, Michael Philip Herrmann, PhD, Biology
Peer Victimization and the Development of Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms: The Roles of Stress Physiology and Gender, Leigh Ann Holterman, MA, Psychology
Establishing Chemical Mechanisms And Estimating Phase State Of Secondary Organic Aerosol From Atmospherically Relevant Organic Precursors, Shashank Jain, PhD, Chemistry
Dcbld2/esdn Is Essential For Proper Optic Tract Formation And Retinal Lamination, Ryan Mears Joy, MS, Biology
International Activism of African Americans in the Interwar Period, Clayton Maxwell Kendall, MA, History
Chronic Stress Potentiates The Response To Intra-Bed Nucleus Of The Stria Terminalis (bnst) Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptide (pacap) Infusion., Steven Bradley King, MA, Psychology
The Relationship Between Magmatism and Deformation During the Acadian Orogeny: A Case Study from Eastern-Central Vermont, Samuel William Lagor, MS, Geology
Phylogenetics And Molecular Evolution Of Highly Eusocial Wasps, Federico Lopez-Osorio, PhD, Biology
Excitonic States in Crystalline Organic Semiconductors: A Condensed Matter Approach, Lane Wright Manning, PhD, Physics
Prejudice against Black Americans versus Black Africans in College Admission, Asia McCleary-Gaddy, MA, Psychology
Poetics of The Real, Matthew Mersky, MA, English
Intra-Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Peptide Infusion Reinstates Cocaine Seeeking in Rats, Olivia Miles, MA, Psychology
A Nanoparticle/enzyme System For The Simultaneous Detection And Decontamination Of Organophosphates, Brendon Mark Miller, PhD, Chemistry
Using Long- And Short-Lived Sediment-Associated Isotopes To Track Erosion And Sediment Movement Through Rivers In Yunnan, Sw China, Thomas Bundgaard Neilson, MS, Geology
"The Nest of Tories which has Invested this Precinct": The Loyalists of Newburgh, New York, Kieran John O'Keefe, MA, History
Receptors for the detection of L-amino acids and IMP by mouse taste sensory cells, Shreoshi Pal Choudhuri, PhD, Biology
The Long Red Scare: Anarchism, Antiradicalism, and Ideological Exclusion in the Progressive Era, Adam Quinn, MA, History
High flow events as hot moments of reactive Fe and P export: impacts of land cover and seasonality, Braden Rosenberg, MS, Geology
An integrative chronobiological-cognitive approach to seasonal affective disorder, Jennifer Nicole Rough, PhD, Psychology
Homology Modeling and Molecular Docking of Antagonists to Class B G-Protein Coupled Receptor Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Type 1 (PAC1R), Suzanne Louise Stanton, MS, Chemistry
Missing The Curfew: A Cultural History Case For Re-Reading Thomas Gray's Most Famous Line, Michael Joseph Thomas, MA, English
Autonomic Reactivity and Adjustment in Middle Childhood, Caitlin Reilly Wagner, PhD, Psychology
Novel Mechanisms Governing Autoregulation of the Src Family Kinase Fyn and its Crosstalk with Protein Kinase A, Marion Weir, PhD, Biology
Polarization Charge Density in Strained Graphene, Noah Wilson, MS, Physics
Associations Between Children's Perceptions Of Interparental Conflict And Neuropsychological Correlates Of Interpersonal Emotion Stimuli, Hannah C. Woolfolk, MA, Psychology
Oxygen-Sensitive Luminophores: A Survey of the Literature and Efforts toward a Novel Porphyrin-Pillared Zirconium Phosphonate, Joseph Wright, MS, Chemistry
The Effects of Self-Threats and Affirmations on Romantic Relationship Functioning: The Moderating Roles of Self-Esteem and Relationship-Contingent Self-Esteem, Jennifer Lynn Zangl, PhD, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Nazi Collaborators, American Intelligence, and the Cold War: The Case of the Byelorussian Central Council, Mark Alexander, MA, History
The Influence Of Prenatal Stress On Behaviors Associated With Schizophrenia And Autism Spectrum Disorder., Harold Bauerle, MA, Psychology
Investigation Of A Ring Fragmentation Reaction For The Synthesis Of Tethered Aldehyde Ynones And Medium Sized Cyclic Ynones And Ynolides, Ali Bayir, PhD, Chemistry
The Champlain Sea/Lake Champlain Transition Recorded In The Northeast Arm Of Lake Champlain, USA-Canada, Ashliegh Theresa Belrose, MS, Geology
The Molecular Evolution of Non-Coding DNA and Population Ecology of the Spiny Softshell Turtle (Apalone spinifera) in Lake Champlain, Lucas Edward Bernacki, PhD, Biology
Working in Utopia: Locating Marx's "Realm of Necessity" in the Socialist Futures of Bellamy and Morris, Kira Braham, MA, English
Sedimentologic Comparison Of The Late/lower Early Middle Cambrian Altona Formation And The Lower Cambrian Monkton Formation, Ryan A. Brink, MS, Geology
Density Functional Theory Study of Dilute Transition Metal Phthalocyanines, Daniel Burrill, MS, Physics
A Comparative Examination of the Safety Programs at UCLA, UMN, and UVM in Response to Recent Chemistry Laboratory Incidents, Victoria Carhart, MS, Chemistry