Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The effects of ericoid inoculum source and nutrient addition on growth and reproduction in highbush blueberry, Ilana Williams, MS, Biology
Differences in Attentional Processing of Sexual Stimuli for Men with Varying Degrees of Sexual Arousal Function, Robert Brandon Wyatt, MA, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Effect of Amphibian Host Ecology and Evolution on the Pathogen Dynamics of Ranavirus, Lauren V. Ash, PhD, Biology
Copepods As A Model System For Exploring The Impacts Of Climate Change On Marine Ectotherms, Lauren Ashlock, PhD, Biology
'he went out and subdued them': The Significance of the Haitian Revolution in Absalom, Absalom!, Curtis Browne, MA, English
Associations Between Fatigue, Fatigue Catastrophizing, Sleep Behaviors, and Depression Severity in Winter Depression., Julia Anne Camuso, PhD, Psychology
Determining The Effects Of Castration And Estrogen Replacement On Habit Development In Adult Male Long Evans Rats, Francesca Carasi-Schwartz, MS, Biology
Investigating Routes Of Pollinator Exposure To Pesticides, Jessica Cole, MS, Biology
Lingering with Hegel and the Madhyamaka School: Lack in Anna Karenina and Swann's Way, Oliver Bissell Creech, MA, English
Communicating during widespread systematic noise reduction amid Covid-19 lockdowns: A tale of two marine vertebrates in the archipelago of Bocas del Toro, Panama, Emma Gagne, MS, Biology
The Impact of Prior Exposure to Physics on Students' Transition to Flipped Classrooms with Active Learning, Johnny Gonzalez, MS, Physics
Examining The Effect Of Very Low Nicotine Content Cigarettes On Weight Among Smokers With Psychiatric Conditions Or Socioeconomic Disadvantage, Roxanne Harfmann, MA, Psychology
“Glory to the Heroes!” The Commemoration of the OUN and UPA in the Ukrainian Diaspora, Liam John Hilferty, MA, History
Reactions of Vinyl Diazonium Salts Derived from β-hydroxy-α-diazocarbonyls: Metal-Free C-H Insertion and Conjugate Addition, Evan Michael Howard, PhD, Chemistry
A paleolimnological analysis of lake sediments in northern and central Vermont, Kaleb Jones, MS, Geology
The Reformist Exemplum Of The Monastic Bishop In Bede's Ecclesiastical History Of The English People, Christopher Kelm, MA, English
The Sublime Object of Digitality: Psychoanalysis and Cyberspace, Grady Kennison, MA, English
Network Analysis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Shame, and Guilt in those with a Sexual Assault History, Alison C. Legrand, PhD, Psychology
Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on Internal and External Resilience, Sydney Ann Leichliter, MA, Psychology
“The Side of Those Not Fighting for The Children”: Reproductive Futurism and The Female Sinthomosexual., Reid A. Lemker, MA, English
Monitoring Of Suspended Sediment Mineralogy In Tropical Rivers: Effects Of Flowrate, Time, And Lithology, Trevor Joseph Mackowiak, MS, Geology
Computer Aided Design: Targeting the PAC1R for Novel Therapeutics and Investigating Biologically Relevant Materials, Kyle Thomas McKay, PhD, Chemistry
Association Of Anxiety And Executive Function With Attendance And Fitness Improvement In Cardiac Rehabilitation, William A. Middleton, MA, Psychology
Diversity and distribution of the malaria parasites (genus Plasmodium) of the Common Loon (Gavia immer) and of Vermont mosquitoes, Alyssa Neuhaus, MS, Biology
A network intervention analysis: Exploring patterns of symptom change over winter depression treatment with cognitive-behavioral therapy vs. light therapy, Richard J. Norton, MA, Psychology
Exploration of Light-Driven, Zirconium Catalyzed Hydrophosphination and Progress Towards Asymmetric Hydrophosphination, Bryan Teixeira Novas, PhD, Chemistry
The Voice of a Generation: Musical Persona and the Role of Myth in the Collective Memory of Bob Dylan's 1965 Newport Performance, Alexandra M. Perlow, MA, English
Providing New Insights On Sarracenia Purpurea’s Stoichiometry, Morphology, Obligate Invertebrates, And Plankton Communities In Response To N And P Deposition., Lindsey Ann Pett, PhD, Biology
Examining the Relationship Between the Ereendavaa Metamorphic Core Complex and Duch Gol Basin in Northeast Mongolia in the Context of the Mongol-Okhotsk Suture, Gavin Pirrie, MS, Geology
Development of [3,3]-Sigmatropic rearrangements of zwitterionic and cationic intermediates formed by intramolecular cyclization of tertiary allylic amines tethered to heterocumulenes, Joseph Pisano, PhD, Chemistry
Whistle Repertoire And Structure Reflect Ecotype Distinction Of Pantropical Spotted Dolphins In The Eastern Tropical Pacific, Manali Rege-Colt, MS, Biology
Disentangling The Separate And Intersecting Pathways Of Carbon And Nitrogen Response To Overlapping Drivers, Manya Ruckhaus, MS, Geology
Spiny spiders and spiny trees: Molecular phylogenetics and biogeographic reconstruction reveal history of recurrent overwater dispersal events, single-island endemics, and new species of Caribbean Micrathena (Araneae: Araneidae), Lily Kay Shapiro, MS, Biology
An Examination Of Response Inhibition In Operant Conditioning, Michael Steinfeld, PhD, Psychology
Changing environmental conditions and the response and potential adaptability of freshwater whitefishes, Taylor R. Stewart, PhD, Biology
The Impact Of Parent Training On Epigenetic Age Acceleration In Disadvantaged Children, Alexandra Sullivan, PhD, Psychology
The impact of opioid agonist treatment on nicotine metabolism, Rhiannon Chou Wiley, MA, Psychology
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Familiar Forms, Unfamiliar Containers: A Formal Examination of The Body, Mind, and Community in Black Women’s Science Fiction and Fantasy, Cameron Clark Bauserman, MA, English
Small-scale Roll Coating as a Transitional Stage in the Scaling of Organic Electronic Device Fabrication Techniques, Jared Benson, MS, Physics
“Can You Tell When There Is A Good Fire?”: Haunting And Ecogothic Violence In Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, And The Moonstone, Mckenzie Bergan, MA, English
Assessing The Impact Of Changes In Acid Deposition On Dissolved Organic Carbon Mobilization From Two Forested Headwater Catchments: A Combined Lab And Field Study, Caitlin Bristol, MS, Geology
The Role Of Infralimbic Cortex In Switching Between An Instrumental Behavior’s Status As A Goal-Directed Action Or Habit, Matthew Broomer, MA, Psychology
Spillover, dilution, and coinfection: Understanding the spread of disease within managed and native bee communities., Phillip A. Burnham, PhD, Biology
Developing Identity: Exploring The History Of Indonesian Nationalism, Thomas Joseph Butcher, MA, History
Characterizing Mass Loss in Central Cuba Using Long-Term Sediment Generation Rates and Rock Dissolution Rates, Mae Kate Campbell, MS, Geology
Adele of Champagne: Politics, Government, and Patronage in Capetian France, 1180-1206, Maria L. Carriere, MA, History
Autonomic Reactivity In Emerging Adulthood : Relationships Between Cyberbullying , The Autonomic Nervous System, And Clinical Outcomes., Aya Cheaito, MA, Psychology
Bound to Slavery: Economic and Biographical Connections to Atlantic Slavery between the Maritimes and West Indies after 1783, Sarah Elizabeth Chute, MA, History
The Relationship Between Dominant And Submissive Sexual Fantasies And Behaviors And Sexual Satisfaction, Lilian Rae Dalton, MA, Psychology
Language Problems And Adhd Behaviors: Associations With School Readiness In An At-Risk Preschool Sample, Marissa Dennis, MA, Psychology
Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Contorted Aromatics and Semiconducting Thioacenes, Adam M. Dyer, PhD, Chemistry
A Case of Sexual Misconduct: Gender Dynamics, Cultural Hegemony, and the United States Military in the Pacific 1945 - Present, Liam Thomas Edwards, MA, History
Examining Antepartum Quit Attempts Using A Latent Factor Model Of A Hypothetical Cigarette Purchase Task, Carolyn Grace Evemy, MA, Psychology
Investigating the Phase of Green Leaf Volatile Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Using an Electrical Low Pressure Impactor, Kevin Fischer, PhD, Chemistry
Unique Genomic And Phenotypic Responses To Extreme And Variable Ph Conditions In Purple Urchin Larvae, Strongylocentrotus Purpuratus, April Dawn Garrett, MS, Biology
Predictors of Suicidal Ideation Among Formerly Incarcerated People During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Rachel Matthes Gehman, MA, Psychology
Development And Validation Of The Smoker Self-Stigma Questionnaire (sssq), Thomas Geist, MA, Psychology
The Origins of Manufactured Dissent and the Efficacy of Climate Change Narratives, Emma Elisabeth Giering, MA, English
Lcms-Based Analysis Explains The Basis Of Oxidative Resistance In Selenium-Containing Thioredoxin Reductase, Daniel Haupt, MS, Chemistry
Vinyl Cations As Cyclopentenone Precursors Via C‒h Insertion Or Alkene Addition Reactions, Magenta Hensinger, PhD, Chemistry
Effects of changing winter severity on plankton ecology in temperate lakes, Allison Rose Hrycik, PhD, Biology
Healthcare Provider Communication in Teens with Type 1 Diabetes: Parental Overprotection and Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills, Tori Humiston, MA, Psychology
Body Mass Index and Atypical Balance Score as Predictors of Treatment Outcomes for Seasonal Affective Disorder, Praise Iyiewuare, MA, Psychology
Testing Resilience as a Moderator of the Torture-Mental Health Relationship in Refugee Survivors of Torture, Phyu Pannu Khin, MA, Psychology
Adhd Behaviors And Social Functioning In Preschool Children: The Moderating Roles Of Inhibitory Control And Emotion Recognition, Allison Krasner, MA, Psychology
Much needed studies of the three players of Chagas disease in Central America: vertebrate blood meal sources and EcoHealth, a new vector species description, and key phylogenetic analysis of the trypanosome parasite., RAQUEL ASUNCION LIMA CORDON, PhD, Biology
Distinguishing different styles of transpressional deformation at an obliquely convergent plate margin, Fiordland, New Zealand, Emily Sarah Lincoln, MS, Geology
Capturing The Experiences Of Gender Non-Conforming Children Through The Minority Stress Model, Hannah Loso, MA, Psychology
The Developmental Course of ADHD in the Preschool Classroom: Toward a Prevention Treatment Framework, Caroline Martin, PhD, Psychology
Structural Characterization Of The Novel Flightin Domain Wyr And Its Defining Role In The Thick Filament Structure And Mechanics, Lynda Menard, PhD, Biology
Associative Structures Underlying Discriminated Three-Response Behavior Chains, Noelle Loren Michaud, MA, Psychology
Children's Conflict Appraisals, Temperamental Negative Affectivity, Affect and Arousal in the Context of Interparental Conflict., Phuong Nguyen, MA, Psychology
Quantum Simulations Of Low Dimensional Systems And Analytic Continuation Of Imaginary Time Correlation Functions, Nathan Scott Nichols, PhD, Physics
Sarracenia purpurea as a model system for aquatic ecosystem state changes and their impact on bacterial communities, Amanda Claire Northrop, PhD, Biology
Exploring Weight Control Expectancies as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Fear of Fat and Nicotine Dependence in Smokers and Vapers, Emily Pomichter, MA, Psychology
Examining Sex Differences In Habit Formation: Effects Of Methamphetamine Sensitization And Contributions Of Ovarian Hormones, Hannah Schoenberg Book, PhD, Psychology
How Postmodernist Poetry Imagines, Seunghyun Shin, MA, English
Personality Pathology in Winter Depression: Prevalence and Treatment Trajectories in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Light Therapy, Julia Marie Terman, MA, Psychology
A Deed Without A Name: Magical Social Reproduction In Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, And The Tempest, Emily Thibodeau, MA, English
The Development and Validation of the Supportive Other Experiences Questionnaire: Integrating the Perspectives of the Social Support Provider After Traumatic Injury, Katherine Ann van Stolk-Cooke, PhD, Psychology
Trace Metal Contamination In Urban Soils: A Field To Laboratory Methodological Framework For Characterization And Education, Sandra LeighAnne Walser, MS, Geology
Transient effects in solution-processed organic thin films, Jing Wan, PhD, Physics
Parent Status and Post-Traumatic Stress Severity Experienced by Refugees, Holly Taylor Weldon, PhD, Psychology
Perceived Addictiveness of Marijuana, Tobacco and Alcohol Use in Vermont Youth and Young Adults: Associations Between Addiction Perceptions, Sociodemographics, and Substance Use, Julia C. West, MA, Psychology
Two-Dimensional Bose–Hubbard Model for Helium on Graphene, Jiangyong Yu, MS, Physics
Multiscale Modeling Of Biological Complexes: Strategy And Application, Xiaochuan Zhao, PhD, Chemistry
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Investigations Of Pnictogen And Boron-Group Compounds Towards The Synthesis Of Group Iii/v Pre-Ceramic Molecules, Brandon James Ackley, PhD, Chemistry
Apocalypse Out of Time: William Apess's Political Theology, Jeffrey Garfield Adams, MA, English
The Vicissitudes Of Lack: Situating Asexuality Within Psychoanalysis, Nicholas Adler, MA, English
Assessing the Biogeochemical Drivers of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in Forested Headwater Catchments: A Multi-Scaled Approach, Thomas Adler, MS, Geology
The Energetic Consequences Of Winter Foraging For Northern Temperate Fish Species, Benjamin David Block, MS, Biology
Using Chirality-Assisted Synthesis To Construct Light-Responsive, Freeform Helical Foldamers And Shape-Defined Polymers, Jessica Leigh Bocanegra, PhD, Chemistry
Determining the Different Trajectories of PTSD Symptoms During the Acute Post-Trauma Period, Zoe Brier, MA, Psychology
Shame, Pride, and Disclosure: Exploring Paths to Distress in Individuals with Paraphilic Fantasies, Wilson Alexander Captein, MA, Psychology
From Gondwana to GAARlandia: Molecular phylogenetics and historical biogeography of spiders, Lisa Chamberland, PhD, Biology
William S. Culbertson and The Search for The Geopolitical Imperium, Gerard Colby, MA, History
What Is Wardian?: Formulating Jesmyn Ward’s Literary Style And Technique Through Textual Analysis, Comparison, And Differentiation, Ryan Anthony James Conroy, MA, English
“a Mighty Woman With A Torch”: Dorothy Thompson’s Call For American Action Against Nazism And Jewish Persecution, 1931-1945, Kiara Brynne Day, MA, History
Queer Anxieties in Washington State History, Michael Diambri, MA, History
An Investigation Of The Relationships Between Callous-Unemotional Traits, Emotion Regulation, Antisocial Behavior, And Gender, Amanda Falcon, MA, Psychology