Submissions from 2022
Hemp Cannabidiol Drying Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Hemp Flower Harvest Date, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Hemp Flower Nitrogen Fertility Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Hemp Flower Variety Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
2020 Hemp Flower Plant Spacing x Planting Date Trial, Heather Darby, John Bruce, Ivy Krezinski, Rory Malone, and Sara Ziegler
2022 Rye Harvest Date, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Colored Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Hulless Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Organic Spring Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Organic Winter Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Rye Harvest Date, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
The Efficacy of Spraying Fungicides to Control Fusarium Head Blight Infection in Spring Malting Barley, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Winter Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
On-Farm New England Hemp Pest & Disease Scouting Report, Heather Darby and Ann L. Hazelrigg
2022 Conventional Soybean Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
2022 Impact of Winter Rye Planting Date and Seeding Rate on No-till Soybeans, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
2022 Soybean Cover Crop Termination Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Interseeding Winter Rye in Soybeans, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Soybean Cover Crop Termination Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Spring Emmer Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Winter Canola Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
2019-2021 Brassica Cover Crops in Vegetable Rotations Trial, Heather Darby and Rory Malone
Hulless Oat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Andrea Rainville
Oat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Andrea Rainville
Rye Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Andrea Rainville
Corn Cropping Systems to Improve Economic and Environmental Health, Heather Darby and Lindsey C. Ruhl
Industrial Grain Hemp Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
Industrial Hemp Fertility Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
Organic Spring Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
Fall Forage Oat Seeding Rate Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Grain Corn Variety x Seeding Rate, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Impact of corn silage variety and seeding rate on interseeded cover crop establishment, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Integrating Cover Crops and Manure into Corn Silage Cropping Systems, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Integrating Solar Corridors in Corn Silage Production Systems to Meet Agronomic & Conservation Goals, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Perennial Grass Stockpiling Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Perennial Grass Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Summer Annual Mixtures Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Summer Annual Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
2020 Perennial Grass Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, Catherine Davidson, Ivy Krezinski, and Rory Malone
2020 Cool Season Annual Forages Trial, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, Ivy Krezinski, and Rory Malone
Submissions from 2021
2020 Organic Spring Wheat Crosses Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Henry Blair
2020 Hemp Flower Variety Trial, Heather Darby, John Bruce, Ivy Krezinski, and Lindsey Ruhl
Vermont Non-GMO Corn Silage Performance Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Vermont Organic Silage Corn Performance Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Industrial Hemp Fiber Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
Conventional Soybean Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Organic Soybean Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
2020 Summer Annual Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, Ivy Krezinski, and Rory Malone
Guide to Using Annual Forages in the Northeast, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, and Lindsey C. Ruhl
Submissions from 2020
Organic Soybean Performance Trials Summary, Heathe Darby
Brassica Production Practices and Concerns in Vermont and the Northeast, Heather Darby
Closing the Nutrient Loop Through an Innovative Organic Fertilizer Technology Field Tested for Corn, Heather Darby
Closing the Nutrient Loop Through an Innovative Organic Fertilizer Technology Field Tested for Vegetable Crops, Heather Darby
Conventional Soybean Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
Long Season Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
Short Season Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
Organic Spring Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Henry Blair
Winter Rye Harvest Date, Heather Darby and Henry Blair
Winter Rye Nitrogen Fertility Trial, Heather Darby and Henry Blair
Winter Rye Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Henry Blair
Heirloom Hulless Spring Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Henry Blair, and Hillary Emick
Organic Winter Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Henry Blair, and Hillary Emick
Spelt Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Henry Blair, and Hillary Emick
Hemp Flower Harvest Date, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Industrial Hemp Fiber Variety Trial, Heather Darby, John Bruce, Ivy Krezinski, and Rory Malone
Hemp Flower Variety Trial, Heather Darby, John Bruce, Ivy Krezinski, and Lindsey Ruhl
Hop Nitrogen Fertility Trial, Heather Darby, John Bruce, Scott Lewins, and Ivy Krezinski
Hemp Flower Combined Phosphorus-Potassium Fertility Trial, Heather Darby, John Bruce, Scott Lewins, and Sara Ziegler
Hemp Flower NItrogen Fertility Trial, Heather Darby, John Bruce, Scott Lewins, and Sara Ziegler
Organic Spring Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Hillary Emick, Henry Blair, and Rory Malone
Winter Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Hillary Emick, Henry Blair, and Rory Malone
On-Farm New England Hemp Pest & Disease Scouting Report, Heather Darby, Ann Hazelrigg, Rory Malone, John Bruce, Ivy Krezinski, and Scott Lewins
Oat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Steam Treated Grains Trial, Heather Darby, Ivy Krezinski, and Hillary Emick
Interseeding Cover Crops into Wide-Row Corn Silage, Heather Darby, Ivy Krezinski, Rory Malone, and Sara Ziegler
Vermont Organic Silage Corn Performance Trial, Heather Darby, Ivy Krezinski, Rory Malone, and Sara Ziegler
Cover Crop Termination Trial, Heather Darby, Ivy Krezinski, and Sara Ziegler
Soybean Cover Crop Trial, Heather Darby, Ivy Krezinski, and Sara Ziegler
Vermont Non-GMO Corn Silage Performance Trial, Heather Darby, Ivy Luke, Rory Malone, and Sara Ziegler
The Efficacy of Spraying Fungicides to Control Fusarium Head Blight Infection in Spring Malting Barley, Heather Darby, Rory Malone, Henry Blair, and Hillary Emick
Industrial Hemp Fertility Trial, Heather Darby, Rory Malone, John Bruce, and Ivy Krezinski
Industrial Grain Hemp Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Rory Malone, John Bruce, Ivy Krezinski, and Sara Ziegler
Impact of Cover Crops on No-Till Spring Grain Production, Heather Darby, Rory Malone, and Ivy Krezinski
Oilseed Meal Fertility Trial, Heather Darby, Rory Malone, Ivy Krezinski, and Lindsey Ruhl
Winter Canola Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Rory Malone, Ivy Krezinski, and Sara Ziegler
Corn Cropping Systems to Improve Economic and Environmental Health, Heather Darby, Lindsey Ruhl, Rory Malone, and Sara Ziegler
Integrating Cover Crops and Manure into Corn Silage Cropping Systems, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, John Bruce, Ivy Krezinski, Rory Malone, and Lindsey Ruhl
SARE Interseeding Cover Crops in Corn Silage Cropping Systems, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, John Bruce, and Lindsey Ruhl
Forage Oat Seeding Rate Trial, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, Ivy Krezinski, and Rory Malone
Impact of Planting Date and Variety on Soybean Yield, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, Ivy Krezinski, and Rory Malone
Milkweed Production Trials, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, Ivy Krezinski, and Rory Malone
Organic Soybean Variety Trial, Heather Darby, Sara Ziegler, Ivy Krezinski, and Rory Malone
New York and Vermont Corn Silage Hybrid Evaluation Program, Joseph Lawrence, Allison Kerwin, Thomas Overton, and Heather Darby
Submissions from 2019
Conventional Soybean Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
Long Season Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
Short Season Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
Hop Harvest Timing, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Rye Harvest Date, Heather Darby, John Bruce, Haley Jean, and Ivy Krezinski
Rye Nitrogen Fertility Trial, Heather Darby, John Bruce, Haley Jean, and Ivy Krezinski