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Understanding REV1 inhibition-dependent mechanisms of TNR instability

Lindsay P. Allen

Examining the Effect Meniscus Pathology and Time from Surgery have on Knee Strength and Biomechanical Function in Post-ACLR Patients

Carmen Beckley, The University of Vermont

Identification of Molecular Mechanisms of Sema6A Reverse Signaling in Eye Development

Gillian Berglund, University of Vermont

The Impact of Cannabidiol on Skeletal Myocyte Growth and Development

Bradi Berhorst

Effects of Levonorgestrel On Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation

Sophia Berry, University of Vermont

Characterization of DNA Methylome in Bison Liver and Muscle Tissues Using Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing

Suraj Bhattarai, University of Vermont

Characterization of lncRNA U90926 and its protein coding potential

Sydney K. Caldwell, University of Vermont

Investigating HIV-1 Vpu-Mediated Downregulation of EWI-2

Elise A. Courtney, University of Vermont

Predicting Infectivity in SARS-CoV-2 Clinical Samples

Hannah W. Despres

Disruption of Ensheathing Glial Functioning due to Compensation for Globular Cortex Glia Morphology

Ellie Furr

Ergothioneine in an Enzyme: Using Protein Engineering to Create a Unique Antioxidant Enzyme Containing 2-thiohistidine

Elyse C. Hassett, University of Vermont

Negative regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1α) by the transcription factor RUNX1 in breast cancer cells

Lauren M. Herr

Characterizing SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern

Hannah C. Kubinski

Ascertaining double-strand break repair expression post-REV1 inhibition in IR-exposed cells

Erica N. Lamkin, University of Vermont

Investigating immune-stroma signaling landscape in the developing meninges

Toby B. Lanser, University of Vermont
Alec J. Walker, Harvard University
Vahid Gazestani, Broad Institute
Theodore Fisher, Boston Children's Hospital
Julie Dragon, University of Vermont
Beth Stevens, Boston Children's Hospital

Ultra-Highplex Protein Analysis of Breast Cancer Tissue Sections

Kyra Lee

Effect of Cystic Fibrosis treatment drugs on lung-specific cell toxicity

Sama A. Mahdi, The University of Vermont

Effects of isoleucine on the biosynthesis of branched-chain fatty acids by ruminal microorganisms

Lily Matthews, University of Vermont
Jana Kraft, University of Vermont
Marcelo Vedovatto, University of Vermont
Sabrina Greenwood, University of Vermont

The effects of dietary peuNDF-240 and rumen fermentable starch on the milk proteome of dairy cows

Gabrielle E. Ochs

Identification of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine markers across four tissues in the cattle brain

Emory Pacht

The Impact of ONC-201 on Cognition, Memory, and the Microbiome in Mouse Models

Mikayla C. Savastano, University of Vermont

Viral Infectivity in Pediatric SARS-CoV-2 Clinical Samples Does Not Vary By Age

Madaline M. Schmidt

Oxidative Inactivation of Cathepsin B in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Megan Tarte, University of Vermont

Synthesis of Sequence Defined Dendrimers

Mirabella Pearl Vulikh, The University of Vermont

Deep Mutational Scanning to Discover Viral Escape from Polyclonal Antibodies Targeting SARS-CoV-2

Benjamin Will

Thyroid Hormone Receptor Beta Decreases Expression of the Oncogene CEMIP in Thyroid Cancer

Justin Michael Zielinski, University of Vermont