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Building Artificial Crystals with Organic LED Microcavities

David Allemeier

Amidst droughts and hurricanes: managing a field warming experiment in Puerto Rico

Aura M. Alonso-Rodríguez, University of Vermont

Do bees influence the quality of your morning coffee?

Natalia Aristizábal, Rubenstein School

COVID-19 Pandemic Attention Dynamics Within State Level Twitter Discourse}

Michael V. Arnold, University of Vermont
Amelia Tarren, University of Vermont
Peter Dodds, University of Vermont
Chris Danforth, University of Vermont

Employee Wellbeing Program for University and Hospital Employees: A Feasibility Study

Scott Avery, University of Vermont
Alisha Celley, University of Vermont
Josh Cho, University of Vermont
Rory Donoghue, University of Vermont
Brennan Goodrich, University of Vermont
Karen Westervelt, University of Vermont
Gail Rose, University of Vermont

A Literature Review of Wearable Technologies used to assess Physical Activity Intensity among Individuals with Neurological Conditions.

Swapna Balakrishnan, Swapna Balakrishnan

Characterization of DNA Methylome in Bison Liver and Muscle Tissues Using Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing

Suraj Bhattarai, University of Vermont

Sensitivity analysis of stochastic polynomials, and its application to epidemic forecasting and random graphs

Mariah C. Boudreau, The University of Vermont

An Investigation on Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems in Rural America: A Case Study on the Alabama Black Belt's Wastewater Infrastructure Crisis

Kennedy P. Brown, The University of Vermont

Transition to adulthood in adolescents with cerebral palsy(CP): The biopsychosocial constructs

Morgan Bunton, UVM
Madison Randall, UVM
Allyson Balboni, UVM
Jordan Glenning, UVM

Identifying Genetic Clades and Testing for Reproductive Isolation in Subspecies of Acartia tonsa

Hannah Elizabeth Buscher, University of Vermont

Implementation of the Neck Pain Clinical Practice Guideline: A Case Report

Ariana Cacciola
Grace Corapi
Benjamin Garcia
Rebekah Young

Exercise Interests and Preferences of People Living with Multiple Myeloma

Jacqueline Frances Caefer

Characterization of lncRNA U90926 and its protein coding potential

Sydney K. Caldwell, University of Vermont

Exploring Bioretention Soil Media Efficacy for Native Plant Establishment with Minimal Nutrient Leaching

bryce M. carleton

Evaluating Clinical Characteristics in Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD): A Retrospective Review

Birgitta Carlson, University of Vermont

Investigating HIV-1 Vpu-Mediated Downregulation of EWI-2

Elise A. Courtney, University of Vermont

Parrot or Raven? Explorations with GPT-3 & Peering into the OpenAI Black Box

Kathryn Cramer

Comparison of Drought Response between Taraxacum officinale and Delphinium nuttallianum

Patrick Daly

Predicting Infectivity in SARS-CoV-2 Clinical Samples

Hannah W. Despres

Performance of TekScan Fscan-64® System for Measurement of Forces During Overground Walking

Lillian Devereux
Weslee Thompson
Brittany Duncan
Marty Ratner

Investigating 10Be/14C chronometer age divergence in Southern New England to assess the timing of Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation

Jason S. Drebber, UVM

Sentiment analysis of medical notes for lung cancer patients at the Department of Veterans Affairs

Danne C. Elbers, The University of Vermont

Factors To Electric Vehicle Adoption Rates In Vermont

Aubrey E. Ferris, University of Vermont

Impact of Vitamin D Supplementation in the Mouse Model of Obesity and Insulin Resistance

Patricio Flores-Bringas

Regional Differences in Food-Based Social Cohesion During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Emma Pearl Frank, University of Vermont

Childhood sports participation as a protective factor for internalizing behaviors: The moderating effects of age and gender in referred and non-referred populations

Bailey S. Gengel, University of Vermont

Performance of Agroecological Principles in Urban/Peri-Urban Agriculture: Site Assessment of the Horticultural Research and Educational Center

Claire A. Golder, University of Vermont
Avi Bauer, University of Vermont

Climate Change-Driven Snowpack Loss from Mid-Winter Thaws in Vermont

Anna F. Grunes, University of Vermont

Non-contact ACL injury alters posterior horn meniscus centroid position immediately following the index trauma in males and females

Benjamin T. Hamilton, University of Vermont

Seniors Trekking in Outdoor Places (STOP): An exploration of the effects of physical activity, social connection, and time outdoors on Vermont's older adults

Riley Victoria Korhonen

Impact of pea genotype on yield of subsequently planted corn as mediated by soil microbial communities

Bailey M. Kretzler, University of Vermont

Characterizing SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern

Hannah C. Kubinski

Assessing Prediction Modulation on Narrative Comprehension Across Modalities: Understanding Semantic Processing in ASD

Sarah J. Kubinski

Social and economic disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Ollin D. Langle-Chimal, University of Vermont

Investigating immune-stroma signaling landscape in the developing meninges

Toby B. Lanser, University of Vermont
Alec J. Walker, Harvard University
Vahid Gazestani, Broad Institute
Theodore Fisher, Boston Children's Hospital
Julie Dragon, University of Vermont
Beth Stevens, Boston Children's Hospital

Salmonella enterica Prevalence in Hatchling Backyard Chicks in Vermont

Kata M. Larsen, University of Vermont
Jake D. Bears, University of Vermont

Statistical meta-analysis of agricultural BMPs and BMP group performance.

Brendan Lombard

AX Fellowship Panel

Laurel Marshia, University of Vermont
Sadie Southall, University of Vermont

The violence metaphor in the palliative care setting; exploring incidence and impact

Aidan M. May, The University of Vermont

Sustainable Product Purchase Behavior

Danielle N. Meader

Visual Narratives and Inference Generation in Individuals Across the Autism Spectrum

Stasha B. Medeiros, University of Vermont

He said, she read: Gender biases in resume text data

Joshua R. Minot, The University of Vermont

Dairy-derived fatty acid incorporation into HepG2 cellular lipids

Hannah Mosier

How do US consumers define healthy foods? A content analysis of public comments to the FDA

Macey R. Musto

Comparing Validity and Reliability of Pressure Mapping Orthotics to the Current Gold Standard in Static Balance Positions

Andrew J. Nadeau
Damon Nguyen
Michaela Cornbrooks
Charmil Desai
Brock Kraemer

Telehealth & Physical Therapy Implications for the University of Vermont Medical Center: A Systematic Literature Review

Brooke A. Niedermaier
Makayla King
Nathan Lemieux
Jane Wolforth
Christina Campbell

Using the Biopsychosocial approach in Physical Therapy to treat chronic pain: A Systematic Literature Review

Taylor Niedermaier
Rachel Boisclair
Connor Moore
Mackenzie Madison
Meghan Amthor

Range Expansion of Ebony Spleenwort into Urban Environments

River S. Pasquale, University of Vermont

Student Research Conference (AX Fellowship)

Ashley N. Pearson

Loneliness and Connection in Conversation: an NLP Dictionary

Max Perrotto
Ann Wong

Lithium-Ion Battery Efficiency

Wayne Peterkin Mr, College of Engineering Math and Sciences

Six Feet Apart, Yet Closer than Ever: An Observation of Increased Trust during the Pandemic

Austin M. Riese, Quincy University

Wildlife Trafficking and Selfie Tourism Quantified Through Twitter Data

Sean P. Rogers, Vermont Complex Systems Center

Digit Classification Using Signatures

Alexander Runci, The University of Vermont

Correlations of Aggression and Empathy Among Female Juveniles

Sierra E. Sabec

Quality Checking Eye Movement Data for the Covert Detection of Mindless Reading

Oumou Samake, University of Vermont

Viral Infectivity in Pediatric SARS-CoV-2 Clinical Samples Does Not Vary By Age

Madaline M. Schmidt

Dual fluoroscopic imaging and model-based tracking accuracy of arthrokinematic outcome metrics with and without frame interpolation

Marit Erika Scott, University of Vermont

‘AX Panel’ or ‘AX lightning talk’

Charlotte Melinda Smith, UVM


Jacob A. Sorrentino, The University of Vermont

Characterizing language changes surrounding COVID-19 vaccine discourse on Twitter

Amelia Hua Ye Tarren, The University of Vermont

Rural Water Systems

Jesse Theophilous, The University of Vermont

Salt Mitigation Task Force

Robby A. Tsciember, University of Vermont
Robert Tsciember, University of Vermont
Evelyn Densmore, University of Vermont

Water column stability effects on phytoplankton community assembly in Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain

Lindsay Mae VanFossen, The University of Vermont

Effective Interventions in Oncology Rehabilitation to Minimize the Impact of Sarcopenia among Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Literature Review

Joseph D. Voelker, UVM DPT 2023
Lea Meibauer, UVM DPT 2023
Miranda Nelson, UVM DPT 2023
Cory Benz, UVM DPT 2023
Jeff Marcia, UVM DPT 2023

Being human with trees: Unsettling settler epistemologies in northern “New England”

Emily Joelle Wanzer

A Paleolimnological Assessment of Lake Carmi, Franklin, VT

Sarah R. Wasserman

Deep Mutational Scanning to Discover Viral Escape from Polyclonal Antibodies Targeting SARS-CoV-2

Benjamin Will

Urban Tree Canopy in Louisville, KY: A Spatial analysis of disparity and demographics

Isabella Sofia Wolfsdorf

The emotional arcs of horror: a distant reading of Stephen King’s novels

Delaney Woods

Thyroid Hormone Receptor Beta Decreases Expression of the Oncogene CEMIP in Thyroid Cancer

Justin Michael Zielinski, University of Vermont

Character Space: using matrix factorization to identify main axes in fictional characters

Julia Zimmerman

Impact of Formulation on mRNA Lipid-nanoparticle Characteristics

Adam Zuchowski